Star Wars and Game of Thrones may differ in terms of their setting but, you can’t deny the fact that somehow or in some way, they have similarities. We all know that both of them have a great fantasy storyline and, both of them have a huge fan base. So what if we make a Star Wars/Game of Thrones mash-up? What would it look like?
Now to help you imagine what it would look like, Canadian artist Andrew Dat Tran has some artworks that takes a few of our favourite characters from Game of Thrones, and drawn them within the Star Wars Universe. The results are pretty amazing and the Game of Thrones characters fit naturally, holding lightsabers and dressed as Jedi masters. You can see the artworks below:
Arya Stark, Jedi Padawan |
Jedi General Daenerys, Mother of Rancors |
Jaime Lannister, Sith Slayer |
Melisandre, Sith Lord of the Light |
The Sith Night King |
Tyrion Lannister the Imp Scoundrel |
What I like the most in his drawings is that, he had captured the characters expressions really well. The drawings are exceptionally well done and they really look beautiful. Just by watching the artworks above, I've realized that the two series may differ in plot-line, but the characters in Game of Thrones do have similarities to many of our favourite Star Wars characters.
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