Blade & Soul: Soul Badge & Mystic Badge Explained

Blade & Soul Online introduces a new type of equipment, namely Soul Badge (神功牌) & Mystic Badge (秘功牌) which can  improve the effect of certain skills. Each Soul Badge & Mystic Badge are class specific and do not add any stats at all. The information and effect of these badges are based on Blade & Soul KR and CN; the info might differ from BnS NA/EU.

The names of the Soul Badge & Mystic Badge are not translated literally (would be very confusing, will name them with numbers instead) but rather named after the place at which you can obtain them.

Soul Badge: Mushin Tower F20

2 types of Soul Badges can be obtained from Mushin Tower F20 by defeating Yunsang: 苍天 (#1) and 玄天 (#2) 神功牌.

Blade Master
#1:  When Horned Slash (RB) deals crit damage, reduce the CD of Lightning Draw (4) by 1sec. When Dragontongue (RB) deals crit damage, reduce the CD of Lightning Draw (4) by 2sec.
#2: When Lightning Rod (C) hits, reset the CD of Blade Storm (X).

Kungfu master
#1: With stage 4 Searing Palm (X), you can cast Shin Kick (3). Whenever you cast Shin Kick with stage 4 Pressure Point, reduce the CD of Comet Strike (4) by 2sec.
#2: The duration of stage 4 Searing Palm (X) is increased by 5sec.

#1: After using Stone Shield (V), Wrath (LB) can be used for 3sec.
#2:  Reduce the CD of Smash, Execute (X) by 1 sec whenever Wrath (LB) hits.

Force Master
#1: Generate 3 Frost/Flame Orb when Dual Dragons (F) hits.
#2: Reduce the CD of Dual Dragons (F) by 4 sec whenever Frost Fury (F) hits.

#1: After casting Poison Breath, Choke Bomb, Plaguemist (4), gain 10 sec Heaven buff effect, which allows you to cast Dark Strike, Lightning Pierce (F) after hitting with Heart Stab (RB).
#2: After successful hit with Set Landmine (4), the CD of Fighting Sprit (V) is reduced by 15sec.

#1: Upon successful counter with Seed Shroud (4), the CD of Thorn Strike (2) is reduced by 8 sec.
#2: After resisting with True Friend (X), the CD of Doom ‘n’ Bloom (F) is reset.

Blade Dancer
#1: Rolling Typhoon (F) can be cast under Whirling Spirit (Z)
#2: The duration to generate Lightning Focus is increased by 1sec after using Storm Cleave (V)

#1: Generate 1 Spectral Orb when Dragon Helix (4) hit.
#2: When Leech (F) hits, the Siphon buff duration is increased by 3sec.

Soul Fighter
#1: You can cast Blast Punch (F) upon successful parry with Elbow Smash (1)
#2: Recover additional 1 Focus upon hitting with Blast Punch (F)


Collect 56 x Yunsang’s Bead (苏向阳念珠) to exchange for 苍天/玄天神功檀木 (Sandalwood).

The Sandalwood need to be upgraded/evolved/crafted into the corresponding Soul Badge with one of the two methods:

Method 1: Celestial Pill (仙丹)  x 160, Moonstone x 160, Spirit Pill (灵丹) x 500, Soul Stone x 500, Yunsang’s Beads x 190, 200g

Method 2: Celestial Pill x 80, Moonstone x 80, Spirit Pill x 250, Soul Stone x 250, Yunsang’s Beads x 90, Broken Sky Jade Relic (破天宝玉神物) x100,  100g

Both methods give 100% success rate.

Soul Badge: Tower of Infinity

2 types of Soul Badges can be obtained from the merchant in front of Tower of Infinity: 元日 (#3) and 夕日 (#4)Soul Badges.

Blade Master
#3: When Soaring Falcon (Z) Stage 2,3 hits enemies for the 1st time, resist damage and abnormal status for 1.5 sec
#4: Flash Step (F) induces 1 sec stun upon hit (cannot combo with other cc skill)

Kungfu Master
#3: Casting Comet Strike (4) allows you to resist Stun, Daze, Knockdown and Knockback for 1 sec.
#4: Casting Tremor (4) allows you to resist damage and abnormal status for 1 sec.

#3: Increase grab/choke (F) duration by 2 sec
#4: Increase movement speed by 20% when Typhoon (Q) hits.

Force Master
#3: Recover 20%HP upon casting Frost Armor (TAB)
#4: Frost Nova (3) induces Ice Prison on target for 8 sec.

#3: Resist damage and abnormal status for 1 sec and recover 5% HP upon resisting with Shadow Dance, Sidestep Left (Q)
#4: Lightning Strike (RB) induces Knockdown on target, 3 sec after it hits (cannot combo with other cc skill).

#3: When resisting with True Friend (X) Stage 2, reset the CD of Beckon (E).
#4: When Briar Patch (4), Flying Nettles (F) hits for the 1st time, reduce the CD of Grasping Roots, Straggling Roots, and Weed Whack (1) by 50%

 Blade Dancer
#3: When Soul Stab (2) hits an enemy, reset the CD of Phantom Grip (4)
#4: Casting Heavenly Dance (RB)  allows you to resist stun, daze, knockdown & knockback for 5 sec sec.

#3: Quell (F) can be cast while using Warding soul badge (1).
#4: Recover Familiar’s HP by 30% after using Fall In (E).

Soul Fighter
#3: Resist Stun, Daze, Knockdown & Knockback while casting Dragon Blitz (F)
#4: Recover additional 10% HP of party members when using Power Burst (X)


Tower of Infinity F16 -F40: 1 Token
Tower of Infinity F41-F80: 2 Token
Tower of Infinity F81-F100: 3 Token

60 Token = 元日/夕日神功檀木 (Sandalwood)

The Sandalwood need to be upgraded/evolved/crafted into the Soul Badge with one of the two methods:

Method 1: Celestial Pill (仙丹)  x 160, Moonstone x 160, Spirit Pill (灵丹) x 500, Soul Stone x 500, New Year Token x 360, 200g

Method 2: Celestial Pill x 80, Moonstone x 80, Spirit Pill x 250, Soul Stone x 250, New Year Token x 60, Broken Sky Jade Relic (破天宝玉神物) x100,  100g

Both methods give 100% success rate.

Soul Badge: Tower of Infinity

Additional 2 types of Soul Badges can be obtained from the merchant in front of Tower of Infinity after the release of Sky Basin:  清月 (#5) and 风月 (#6) Soul Badges

Blade Master
#5: Recover 1 Focus when Flicker (LB) hits.
#6: Reset the CD of Soaring Falcon (Z) Stage 1,2 when Lightning Draw (4) hits.

Kungfu Master
#5: Reduce the CD of Comet Strike (4) by 10 sec when Searing Palm (X) hits. Comet Strike deals additional damage equal to 500% attack after Searing Palm hits.
#6: Reduce the CD of Comet Strike (4) by 1 sec when Cyclone Kick, Searing Blow (F) hits. Comet Strike deals additional damage equal to 200% attack after Cyclone Kick, Searing Blow hits.

#5: Willpower is stacked to 5 when Fury (E) is cast.
#6: When Smash (X) Stage 1 hits, Wrath (LB) can be cast within 3 sec.

Force Master
#5: Reduce the CD of Cold Snap (Z) by 9 sec when Snowball (X) hits.
#6: Reduce the CD of Blazing Wall, Meteor Shower (V) by 20 sec when Inferno (X) hits.

#5: The CD of Time Bomb (2) is reduced by 20sec when  Shadow Drain hits.
#6: Reduce the CD of Poison Breath, Venom Swarm, Choke Bomb, Plaguemist (4) when Venom Pierce (RB) hits.

#5: Reduce the CD of Bloom ‘n’ Doom (F) by 3 sec when Weed Whack (1) hits.
#6: The CD of Grasping Roots, Weed Whack (1) is reset when Clawnado (C) hits.

Blade Dancer
#5: When the last hit of Multislash (2) hits, gain 2 Wind Focus when Sunder (RB) deals critical damage within 3 sec.
#6: Increase Lightning Surge duration for 3 sec when you cast Lightning Draw (C)

#5: Dragoncall (4) brands the targets for 10 sec.
#6: Dimensional Salvo (RB) can be used after casting Dragon Helix (4) during Repulse (F)

Soul Fighter
#5: Go into Full Bloom status when Cyclone Kick (RB) hits. Recover 6 Focus over 3 sec when Cyclone Kick hits.
#6: The CD of Iron Shoulder (F) is reduced by 0.5 sec when Explosive Power (F) hits.

To be updated……….(not yet released in BnS CN)

Mystic Badge: Sky Basin

4 types of Mystic Badges can be obtained from the merchant in Sky Basin, namely 摩天 (#1), 破天 (#2) , 究岳 (#3) and  武岳 (#4). Mystic Badge is equipped to a different slot from Soul Badge.

Blade Master
#1: Honed Slash (RB) recovers 1 Focus on hit within 10 sec after Lightning Draw (4) hits.
#2: Dragontongue (RB) deals additional damage equal to 120% attack within 8 sec after Lightning Draw (4) hits.
#3: Raid (2) CD is reset when Five Point Strikes (3) hits.
#4: The last hit of Five Point Strikes (3) deals additional damage equal to 250% attack.

Kungfu Master
#1: Cyclone Kick, Searing Blow (F) can be used when Comet Strike (4) hits.  After Comet Strike hits, Cyclone Kick, Searing Blow deal additional damage equal to 300% attack.
#2: Comet Strike (4) Stage 1 deals additional damage equal to 200% attack within the AOE of Tremor (V). Comet Strike Stage 3 deals additional damage equal to 13% attack within the AOE of Tremor.
#3: Hellfire Kick (4) CD is reset when Smite (F) hits.  After Smite hits, Hellfire Kick deals additional damage equal to 250% attack.
#4: Tiger Strike (2) recover 1 Focus on hit within 3 sec after Smite (F) hits.

#1: Might Cleave (RB) CD is reduced by 6 sec when Wrath (LB) hits
#2: When Willpower is stacked up to 5, Galeforce (F) CD is reset when Eradicate (RB) hits and Galeforce deals additional damage equal to 350% attack
#3: Fury (E) CD is reduced by 0.5 sec when Wrath (LB) hits.
#4: Fury (E) CD is reduced by 4 sec when 1st hit of Emberstomp (3) lands.

Force Master
#1: Meteor Shower (V) deals additional damage equal to 1200% attack with 1st hit on Burned targets.
#2: Snow Ball (X) stacks 3 Frost Orbs on hit and reset the CD of Dual Dragons (F)
#3: Meteor Shower, Blazing Wall (V) CD is reduced by 8 sec when Dragon Blaze (F) hits.
#4: Cold Snap (Z) CD is reduced by 8 sec when Dual Dragons (F) hits.

#1: Gain a buff for 15 sec after casting Poison Breath, Choke Bomb, Plaguemist (4). The buff increases your crit damage by 30% and enables Dark Strike (F) to gain 2 Focus on hit.
#2: Gain a buff for 15 sec after casting Time Tomb (2). The buff grants you invisibility, increase crit damage by 30%, and allows Heart Stab (RB) to reduce the CD of Lightning Rend (4) by 6 sec on hit.
#3: Venom Pierce (RB) can be cast immediately regardless of CD when Set Landmine (Z) hits. Venom Pierce deals additional damage equal to 1500% attack and stack 1 Poison.
#4: Gain a buff for 10 sec after casting Fighting Spirit (V). The buff enables Heart Stab (RB) to deal crit damage, and additional damage equal to 350% attack.

#1: Ankle Biter, Surprise Gift, Bombs Away (V) CD is reduced by 5 sec when Weed Whack (1) hits.
#2: When Bloom ‘n’ Doom (F) hits, recover your cat’s HP by 20% within 10 sec.
#3: True Friend (X) CD is reduced by 5 sec when Throne Strike (2) hits.
#4: Enhanced Seed Shroud (F) extend the invisibility protection of party members by 1 sec.

Blade Dancer


Soul Fighter
#1: Stack 1 Inner Power when King Fist (V) first hit.
#2: After casting Focus Power (Z), the 1st hit of Frost Storm (V) deal additional damage equal to 2600% attack.
#3:Within 3 sec from the hit Flash Punch (2), Iron Shoulder (F) deals additional damage equal to 390% attack.
#4: The CD of Cold Snap , Disintegration Field (V) is reduced by 4 sec when Glacial Palm (RB), Earth Pulse (3) hits.

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