How to Spend Your Constitution Efficiently in Taichi Panda (Android/iOs)

Credits: Spending Constitution eficiently Guide by Vuurbal

Dear fellow Taichi panda players, I've a small guide for you on how to use your constitution more efficiently. If you want a certain resource like surge pills, runes pet souls or seomething else than auto looting is very inefficient, and has maybe a 1/3 chance to get the item. However it is possible to get your item for every try! This method does require some time input though.

Instead of auto looting we need to enter the level and play through it. This can usually be achieved with auto play so you can AFK most of the time. The tricky part is the boss fight, instead of picking up the drops you need to see the drops on the ground. This means taking distance from the boss just before he dies!! On a ranged char u can finish him yourself from a distance, on melee you need to let your pets finish the job. Once the drops are on the ground you can see whether your item is there or not, if it's not you can leave the game (pause button, top right corner of your screen -> leave instance). Leaving will not lose you any Constitution! Thus for every 8 constitution you will get a surge pill for sure.

Speed of this method depends on the difficulty of the level you do. I've tried to get the highest surge pills available to me got me roughly 15 pills in an hour on auto play only doing the boss fights. However lower lvl pills will go much faster and it also depends on whether you are playing through it manually or on auto play and how focused you are.

Tips: Turn auto play OFF before the end of the boss fight, otherwise your char might pick up the drops by himself. You can pause (top right corner of screen) in order to have more time to see what’s on the ground, however the pause menu will fill half of your screen so you need to position either to the right or left of the boss. Sometimes the name of the item you want is hidden behind another item's name so look carefully! One more tip: You can usually see by the color of the item name you want if it's there. For example purple surge pills: If you get 2 purple drops one of them is bound to be a surge pill. If you fuck up and pick everything up, but saw that you got two purple items you can still let it finish.

I hope this was of any help to people, I did not find out this method completely by myself but rather got the idea from a youtube video of captain MiH:

however he only made uses it for pet souls and I've been using this method to get my surge pills now for a couple of days.


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