Warframe Guide: Basic Raid Warframe Directory Guide (Which Warframes Do I Need?)

Credits: This guide was created by Bahamus. The original post of Bahamus is located on the bottom of this page.

A simple list of Warframes that most teams look for when forming a Raid squad for the Law of Retribution Trial, and which abilities you should focus on to make the most out of your role. 
Some are required, some are just nice for support, some are completely useless. Choose wisely!

Essential Warframes

When recruiting for a Raid squad, some Warframes get priority.
This list includes the abilities they are required for and general tips on how to mod and play them.

main ability: Energy Vampire
how to mod: 
- max range (overextended and stretch)
- min duration (fleeting expertise, transient fort., do NOT use arcane aura helmet)
- good strenght (intensify, transient, blind rage)
- she's the most reliable source of energy for the whole squad. 
- follow the bomb carrier and spam on every enemy you see.
- in nightmare mode, make sure every teammate on a pad is receiving energy.
- can drive the fomorian core due to her ability to restore her shield if needed.
- augment Vampire Leech gives you some overshield when your en bar is full.
- aura mod Enemy Radar helps her with finding enemies to vampire.

BLESSING TRINITY - [bless trin]
main ability: Blessing
how to mod: 
- max duration (narrow minded, continuity, constitution)
- quick thinking and flow 
- intensify
- in the first stage she makes sure no one dies of poisoning.
- a good bless trinity hurts herself until reaching 2hp, then uses blessing to guarantee a 99% damage reduction to the whole team.
- can drive the fomorian core due to her ability to restore her shield if needed.
- best way to reach 2hp is launching an explosive Glaive Prime or Kestrel on the floor close to yourself. (click[warframe-builder.com] for build)
- do not use Vitality, or the damage from a single throw won't be enough.

main ability: Molecular Prime
how to mod: 
- max duration (narrow minded, continuity, constitution)
- good strenght (t. fortitude rank 8 with +45% is the max strenght cap)
- good efficiency, and q.thinking and flow to add survivability
- constant crowd control, slows down enemies.
- added damage to Vay Hek.
- nova prime is also able to carry the bomb due to her high energy pool.

main ability: Prism
how to mod: 
- max range (overextend, stretch)
- good duration (continuity, constitution)
- good efficiency, and q.thinking and flow to add survivability
- natural talent
- constant crowd control, blinds enemies.
- launch prism and then make it explode in the middle of the map/room.
- she usually advances first in a new area to blind mobs.
other: she's a really frail warframe, stay hidden or invisible to avoid any risk.

LOKI - [disarm loki] [carrier loki]
main abilities: Radial Disarm, Invisibility
how to mod: 
- max range (overextend, stretch)
- good duration (continuity, constitution)
- good efficiency, and q.thinking and flow to add survivability
- natural talent
- loki prime usually carries the bomb because of his high energy pool.
- if that role is taken, he can crowd control with Radial Disarm.
- also hacks, stands on pads, and revives downed allies.
- cast Decoy in front of Vay Hek on the third stage to distract him.
other: augment mod Irradiating Disarm makes enemies fight each other, also good for cc.

main abilitiy: Bastille
how to mod: 
- good range (stretch)
- good duration (continuity, constitution, half-ranked narrow minded)
- good strenght, try to get at least 90% if you are also using Overextended.
- good efficiency, and q.thinking and flow to add survivability
- use Bastille as crowd control, expecially in the second stage around the numbered pads, 
and in the third stage around the center with the hacking consoles.
- in nightmare mode, place Bounce in front of the hacking consoles.
- also hacks and stands on pads.
other: use a dark energy color, or you will end up with everyone's eyes hurting.
Other Warframes
If you do not have any of the Warframes listed above, or want to use your favorite anyway, here are the alternatives. They must have either a good crowd control ability or good resistance.

main ability: Chaos
how to mod: 
- max range (overextended and stretch)
- good duration (continuity, constitution)
- good efficiency
- good crowd control, but sometimes doesn't work and enemies shoot at you anyway.
- Absorb is good in case of emergency, cast it on a downed teammate while another revives.
Also can distract Vay Hek, but be careful because his shots can deplete your energy really fast.

main ability: Hysteria
how to mod: 
- max duration (continuity, constitution, narrow minded)
- good efficiency
- can revive allies, and pretty much go around unharmed.
- be careful when recasting Hysteria, do it only if you are in a secured area.

main ability: Stomp
how to mod: 
- max range (overextended, stretch)
- good duration (continuity, constitution)
- good efficiency
- Stomp is a really efficient crowd control.
- also Roar can boost allies and help taking down Vay Hek faster.

main ability: Crush
how to mod: 
- max range (overextended, stretch)
- max efficiency (streamline, fleeting expertise)
- natural talent
- if paired with a slow Nova, the knockdown effect of Crush incapacitates enemies for a good time, but you have to keep spamming and can't really do anything else.
- can replenish shields with Shield Polarize.

main ability: Overload, Shield
how to mod: 
- max range (overextended, stretch)
- max efficiency (streamline, fleeting expertise)
- good duration if you want to use Electric Shield
- natural talent
- augment mod Capacitance, to give overshield to allies
- Volt Prime has the highest energy pool, thus he's a good bomb carrier.
- Overload can stun enemies for a short time.
- Shield protects doors, pads, etc.

General Loadout Tips

Aura mods
- Most squads equip 4 Corrosive Projections.
- The remaining can be a mix of Energy Syphon and Enemy Radar.
- DO NOT equip Rejuvenation if there's a Blessing Trinity in your team.

Weapon Elemental Damage
- Viral and Radioactive damage are best on the weapon you use to kill normal enemies, if four Corrosive Projections are equipped.
- Vay Hek is weak to Corrosive, while Radioactive proc keeps him quiet when he's invulnerable.

Team Restores and Ciphers
- Equip in your gear inventory lots of Large Energy Restores and Heal Restores.
- Shield ones are also good to give your whole team Overshield.
- Assign a hotkey to each object to deploy it faster.
- Ciphers are really useful in normal mode, but they can't be used in nightmare.

- Shade Sentinel makes you invisible, but only if you are really close to an enemy.
- Huras Kubrow has the same ability with bigger range, but has the bad habit of dying from enviromental hazards.
- Other companions don't have really useful abilities, but feel free to take them anyway.

Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=506742950

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