Dragon Nest PVE Dark Avenger Build Guide (Updated Level 80 Cap)

  • Very high DPS.
  • Fire based class, integral part of fire parties.
  • Brutal gems are relatively cheap to obtain.
  • Long airtime (Anywhere from 10-40 seconds in the air)
  • Quick dash under transformation is extremely mobile.
  • Low Magical defence (watch out for magical attacks)
  • Long cast time / skill animation
  • Not as agile as Lunar Knights or Gladiators
  • Certain skills locks you in place (e.g. Soul Cutter)
  • Transformed state is necessary for high damage output.
  • Need to gain Avenger Fury bubbles to do damage (Similar to Guardian/ Adept)
  • Avenger fury drains under transformation
  • Planet Ranchea Armour and Weapons: This is a cheap alternative that is recommended for people who are tight on budget and do not wish to stack final damage. This is the standard gear for all classes at level 80.
  • Ruler weapons: This is a slightly more expensive option for the weapons. ONLY get Ruler weapons and NOT armour because the bonus is not worth it. This is highly recommended due to the final damage passive Power Accelerator (A)
Stats Priority:
  • Fire %
  • STR
  • Crit/AGI <= Crit 60% then work on physical dmg
  • Phys dmg
  • Life-giving/Health
  • Sturdy/Adorned
  • You should increase stats in this priority.
  • Strength and Destructive Talismans on 200% Slot
  • Fierce and Windswept on 175% slot
  • Life-giving/Health on 125% Slot
  • Sturdy/Adorned on 100% slot
  • Equip these talismans on their respective slots.
Dragon Gems:
  • Fire Enhanced gems (phys dmg) on both main and offhand weapons and two rings.
  • Brutal Enhanced gems on armour and both main and offhand weapons.
  • Life-giving Enhanced gems on all armour.
  • Rockthorn skill gem on both main and offhand weapons.
  • Partisans skill gem on armour.
  • Simply search these gems on the marketplace to get an idea of the price.
  • 8 Slots: Brutal, Destructive, Fierce, Windswept, Life-Giving, Health, Adorned, Sturdy
  • 4 Skill Plates: Avenger Fury (CD), Shadow Pact(CD), Doom Blade(DMG), Vengeance Storm(DMG)
  • **IF you have the 3 crest expansion then also get: Piercing Crescent(DMG), Soul cutter (CD), (Crest expansion is only available through Cash Shop aka Real money)
***IF you plan to stack final damage, you will have to forgo one of the 8 plates (normally defence) for the FD plate.

  • Benedict Technique Accessories are a MUST:
  • Necklace: Doom Blade (High STR)
  • Earring: Vengeance Storm (High STR)
  • Ring #1: Fatal Impact (+9k Crit with +3.76% fire elemental)
  • Ring #2: Shadow Pact (+9k Crit with +3.76% fire elemental)
  • Use Brutal Benedict Accessories if you cannot afford the technique.
  • . Worth it to get an additional 4% Fire.
  • Limit Breaker +5% to all elements (To Obtain: Clear GDN under 20 minutes)
What is Fire %?

Good question. Fire elemental means that all your attacks are fire attack and can be stacked with enhanced dragon gems, titles or accessories. If you go to the character panel and change one of the three drop down menus to Elemental dmg you will see how much % you are at for each of the four elements.

If your physical dmg is at 1000 and your fire percent is at 10% then your total damage output will be at 1100.

Skill Rotations:

Shadow Pact > Avenger’s Fury > Transform (jump and transform is more cool) > Soul cutter >Vengeance Storm> Doom Blade > Catalysm.

From here you can Fatal Impact or do 3 rounds of Piercing Crescent and then Fatal Impact. This will be the typical DPS rotation for DA. After this, you can use filler skill like Grave Slash and Dark Stinger that does decent damage while you wait for your cool downs. This is illustrated by the following gif:

Hint: Use spacebar to activate Catalysm in middle of skill, this is especially useful after casting Doom Blade.

Transformation Bubbles:

In order to transform you need to have at least 10 Avenger Fury (bubbles). You lose one Avenger Fury for every second under transformation. However, the level 65 passive gives you 1 Fury per critical hit. This will allow you to have almost 100% transformation upkeep. In addition, each Fury bubble grants an additional STR +3% and Physical Damage +50 (Dark Mastery passive). Therefore, it is important to have a high amount of fury when you do high DPS skills. If you stack up Avenger Fury to its full 30 bubbles it is an additional + 90% STR and +1,500 Physical Damage! This means stacking STR and CRITICAL is a must! STR makes use of the Dark Mastery passive and Critical to keep your Avenger Fury count high.

Skill Build:

Basic warrior tree: Its pretty straight-forward, nothing special to take notice of.

Avenger tree: You can choose to remove points from “Dark Stinger” and add to Phase Blade instead. Personal preference.

Dark Avenger Tree: This tree is pretty basic as well with the exception of Power Accelerator A or B, A is +10% Final Damage (this is additive not multiplicative) while B is +15% fire dmg.

There is a lot of debate between which one is better. If you plan to stack FD or have high physical dmg then A is better choice.

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