Dragon Nest Moonlord/Lunar Knight Comprehensive Build, How to Play & Strategy Guide (Updated to Level 80 Cap)

Credits: The Community Lunar Knight Guide by Hekaio

Section 1: Overview of Lunar Knights

Welcome to the most popular class in the game! Don't let this dishearten you, it is still perfectly possible to stand out. Though often named as an easy-to-play "beginner class", Lunar Knights have a lot of little nuances and tricks to make you stand out. Playing effeciently will let you outdamage even people that far outgear you.

Lunar Knights are the 2nd job advancement of the Warrior class that have the tanky and mobility benefits of being a warrior, while also being safe as a powerful ranged class. Their job is to provide as much debuff from Luring Slice and Cyclone EX as possible, in addition to cutting everything to shreds with their sword beams. Powerful Lunar Knights are major presences on the battlefield, providing everything a party needs except for heals.

So, what's this "lk buff" I've heard so much about? Well, in summer of 2014, Lunar Knights received a buff that doubled the damage of Moon Blade Dance and Half Moon slash, in addition to giving you the incredibly powerful Level 65 ability that will be discussed in the next section. This buff allowed Lunar Knights to become top-tier DPS, very strong in 8-man raids and the absolute king of 4 and 6-man nests. Prior to this buff, Lunar Knights were actually quite weak and unpopular, but the advent of this buff caused a huge influx of Lunar Knights. Many top Gladiators class-changed to Lunar Knight, though some have recently changed back. Don't take this the wrong way, Gladiators are absolutely still a powerhouse, they even got buffed along with Lunar Knights as well. It just wasn't as strong.

Section 2: The 65 Passive

There is a lot of misinformation about this passive. Here's an overview of what it does:
On every magical attack, gain a buff for 5 seconds
This buff is not stackable. It refreshes.
This buff will increase your magic attack by 160% of your Intellect stat.
This buff will not apply to the attack that activates it.
This buff does count towards the x2 damage cap (Explained below)
This buff's added magic attack is not multiplied by Mystical gems or Magic sparks.
This buff will not be wiped by buff wipes

This passive is what allows Lunar Knights to be such a beast in 4 and 6 man raids. Because the buff's damage is based on your Intellect, Intellect-boosting party buffs will increase your damage dramatically. For example, Kali's Genie multiplies your Intellect by 1.8, which will add a huge amount of damage from your 65 passive.

This also makes stacking Intellect on Lunar Knights very cost effective. A single Quality Wise Gem, which gives roughly 1000 Intellect, will provide at least 1600 magic damage from your 65 passive alone, not even counting the extra Intellect% you get from gems and the Magic Damage you get from the base Intellect itself!

Unfortunately, in the major end-game 8-man raids, there exists a damage cap on your character. It restricts your character to only be able to buff his/her Physical Damage or Magic Damage to 2x its town value. For example, if I have 40000 Magic Damage in town, I could only buff myself up to 80000 Magic Damage in an 8-man raid, and any further buffing will do nothing. Since the 65 passive counts as a buff, it is also restricted by the x2 cap. This means Lunar Knights cannot achieve their regular gigantic Magic Damage ranges, resulting in them being a lot weaker in 8-man raids.

Section 3: Skill Builds

Please keep in mind these are example builds, and you should tinker with it to fit your playstyle. There are a lot of SP left over here in 80-cap, so you can mix and match your own favorites.
Also, most skills power spike at levels 6, 11, and 16. If you want to level a skill, try to get it at least to those levels. If you are not level 80 yet, your build does not matter. Just reset your skill build when you reach level 80 Fortunately for us, Lunar Knight skill builds are relatively simple. Here are a few example builds. (I use these personally)


Level 6 Brush-off: At lv6 the cooldown is 15 seconds, it becomes extremely useful
Level 1 Forward Thrust: The step-back animation is an i-frame
Level 6 Eclipse: Good for finishing low-hp mobs and triggering 65 passive
Level 8 Luring Slice: Debuff does not increase at 9
Level 1 Dash Kick: Good SA break for mechanics, and 1 SP replacement for Dash Combo
Level 5 Parry Stance: Utility and lure mobs in BDN Dragon phase 1
Level 16 Cyclone: It gets bigger and is a fire-and-forget damage skill


Level 6 Rising Slash: You get a 2nd slash
Level 6 Destructive Swing: Great for breaking SA
Level 11 Line Drive: Does crazy, crazy damage
Level 1 Parry Stance: Dodge stuff such as Guided Missles
Level 1 Cyclone: Only use for setups
Level 6 Attuned Mind: You run out of mana really quick in ladder

There is a lot of controversy over what constitutes Lunar Knight blacklist skills, what their 50 skill is, should they even use cyclone, etc. This build is mainly tailored for Ladder and friendly matches where people do not rage if you use flash stance. Please do not use Parry Stance in non-ladder matches. It is explained in section 8, PvP Quickstarter.

Surprise! The “Pure PvP” build works surprisingly well as a hybrid. You don’t really need cyclone for damage, and all the other utility + damage skills are still maxed. You can change it, of course, and do things like removing mana regen for lv6 Destructive Swing, etc.

Skill breakdowns

Tumble, Aerial Evade, Dash, HP Bolster, Surprise Attack
PvE & PvP: Evades are crucial to staying alive. HP Bolster for more hp is a must.

Impact Wave
PvE: A decent skill for damage if you decide to max it. Be aware it has an noncancelable animation and all hits need to land for damage.
PvP: lv6 is decent for lift, but it’s slow and low SA break.

Destructive Swing
PvE: A great skill at lv6 because it gives you i-frame and airtime.
PvP: Lv6 is a niche pick because while it breaks SA, its own SA is very low. Can catch people off guard. With the new i-frame it becomes useful as a dodge too.

Rising Slash
PvE: Useless.
PvP: lv6 is a must for added slash

Brush Off
PvE & PvP: Removing debuffs in addition to making you stand up. This is a very useful utility skill.

Attuned Mind
PvE: Not needed, you have lots of Intellect for mana
PvP: Needed only in ladder PvP, where mana is a huge issue.

Moon Light Splitter
PvE: A filler skill, it has low dps, but activates your 65 passive and has a low cooldown
PvP: A great all-around skill, does amazing damage and has very high SA break.

PvE: Debuffing skill, and minor dps. Use to setup your bursts
PvP: Mainly for catching opponents to disable.

Crescent Cleave
PvE: A core DPS ability, recommended to tech to 16. Try to use on stationary targets. Focus unless mobbing.
PvP: Amazing damage if you hit it focused. Can use unfocused version to create a wall and back your opponent off.

Half Moon Slash
PvE: A core DPS ability. Good fast damage, and easy to hit. Large AOE for mobbing.
PvP: Hard to dodge, does great damage, and is relatively comboable.

Blade Storm
PvE: Low dps on explosions, immediately fire the blade for dps
PvP: Launches opponent into the air, last beam does a lot of damage and drags opponent. Easy to hit

Triple Slash
PvE: Useless. Clear trash mobs or push things.
PvP: Great utility, high SA break, delayable for catching evades

Forward Thrust
PvE: Emergency i-frame
PvP: Evade ability and engaging tool. High SA break.

Hacking Stance
PvE & PvP: Useless. Can use as an additional lift in PvP but it's buggy and usually not worth it.

Line Drive
PvE: Ok for mobility and escaping Scorpion’s Poison Prison. Not so great for dps.
PvP: Amazing engaging tool and does crazy damage if used in a corner.

Luring Slice
PvE & PvP: Must get to lv8 for massive damage increase.

Courageous Shout
PvE & PvP: Max for stronger and longer damage steroid. Increases your super armor.

Dash Slash & Combo
PvE: Useless
PvP: Good SA break skill, but cannot easily combo after landing it.

Aerial Combo:
PvE: Limited use as a long iframe. Good for giving more airtime to avoid stops
PvP: Good engaging skill, but be aware iframe starts after you land.

Parry Stance
PvE: Ok for utility, there is extra SP everywhere. Can tank things if they are blockable.
PvP: Situational for ladder if stalling for a skill cooldown or avoiding things like Guided Missiles

Counter Slash
PvE: Theoretically high dps, but in reality hard to pull off. Gimmicky, would not get.
PvP: Can surprise people in ladder, but one-use and high cooldown.

PvE: Fast free dps skill, engages your 65 passive. Good for finishing off mobs.
PvP: Fast skill with relatively high damage and SA break.

Counter Cross
PvE: Recovery skill.
PvP: High SA break and surprisingly good damage.

Moon Blade Dance
PvE: Your highest DPS skill. Be sure to fire the last hit after all 5 normal blades.
PvP: Very high damage, but beams push enemies and is hard to aim. Use in cyclone or to avoid attacks.

Flash Stance
PvE: Filler skill and the best mobbing skill the game has to offer. DPS itself is not that great.
PvP: Free damage skill. Guaranteed at least 10k damage.

I would recommend as a minimum to always max the following skills:

Surprise Attack
Aerial Evade
Health Bolster
Courageous Shout
Luring Slice lv8
Moon Light Splitter
Crescent Cleave
Half Moon Slash
Moon Blade Dance

Section 4: Leveling & Lower Levels

The first thing you need to be aware of is that your skill build and items do not matter until you reach level 80. Dragon Nest is a very end-game kind of game, where almost all the content and fun is at the level cap. That being said, leveling itself is much much easier than the vast majority of other MMORPGs, and as a LK you won’t have that much trouble doing dungeons.

A general strategy for leveling and saving up the money you earn is very simple. Follow your main questline, it gives good equipments and experience. If it is your first character, do not buy any gear from marketplace until you are level 80. There is truly no need, just use the weapons you get from doing your main quest. You will vastly outdamage yourself just by leveling anyway.

This may be a little late, but when you reach level 15 and finish your first specialization quest, DO NOT turn in your quest to Irene. The Skill Reset Scroll you get is limited to one day, but if you don’t turn in the quest it will stay there forever. Save it for when you need it.

You may be a little worried that it doesn’t seem like you are doing much damage at all in lower levels. Do not worry, this is normal. Lunar Knights only really start doing massive damage at level 65, as explained in the sections above. Keep on truckin’!

Section 5: Gearing

LV80 Accessories have not yet been released in the simulator. As such I will not touch the descriptions below until they update it. Current accessories you should use are either the cheaper set of Mystical rings, Wise necklace, and Wise earrings, both with either Int/agi or Int/vit, or the more expensive set of Pure magic Meteor rings, Int Meteor necklace, and Int Meteor earrings.. An even stronger set are the 80 technique accessories, but those are very expensive. If you have the funds you can either mix 3 BDNL accs with 1 lv80 tech (Crescent Cleave preferrable for lv16 powerspike), or straight up 4 lv80 techs (Crescent Cleave, Half Moon Slash, Moon Blade Dance, and one ring of your choice. I recommend Eclipse).

Quick I-can't-click-on-that-link gear overview
You will want 5 Meteor Ranchea armors and 2 Ruler weapons for the FD, and 80 int gems on everything, with 80 lifegiving gems on armors also. Either Light Convert gems on weapons and rings or use all Mystical gems. You can switch out lifegiving for windswept if you want more crit. Accessories should be New Moon or BDN, but 80 accs are being released soon so waiting for them is fine too. Crests should be standard Mystical Wise Lifegiving Health Ultimate Windswept Fierce Sturdy/Adorned.

This section will provide example gear builds to follow for certain price ranges. These builds will be in specified tabs of the Dragon Nest Gear simulator on 04zone.

(Note that it has been a while since I have bought any lower level equipment, please correct my price ranges if I am off.)

Click HERE to see all the builds

Pure Magic

Starter Gear (Tab 1)
Price range: 5,000 gold

The +10 weapons are easily gotten from mainquest, and the 80 rare armors are fairly cheap. The gems you are using are 80 “average” gems, which are quite cheap and also a good investment as you can upgrade them to Quality gems in the future. The crests can be gotten mostly for free or cheap from Daredevil Fair or Marketplace. The stats are enough for reasonable daily speeds and contributing a little bit to dps in parties. If gold is an issue you may consider dropping the Crescent Cleave tech accessory, and if you wish to do nests you can purchase a Light Conversion gem and 3 more Light Gems to put in rings and offhand for around 2.5k.

Efficient “Geared” Gear (Tab 2)
5 piece Meteor armor for the magic attack and FD, and Ruler Weapons for even more FD. Crests are upgraded for more base damage, and a tail and costume are acquired. Gems are still the same from the starter set, and are completely reusable. Just as before, feel free to buy light gems for light parties. This set is very respectable, but may seem a huge leap from the starter gear. Focus on obtaining gear in this order: Weapons +10, Armors +6, Accessories, Plates, Armors +8, Armors +10. Note that the accessories are not optimized for 80cap as of yet, because lv80 epic accessories are not released yet.

Elemental Conversion (No tab)

First of all, what is Elemental conversion? In a nutshell, it changes your non-elemental attacks into an element of your choice, at the cost of reducing that element’s attack by 30%. This seems like a giant hit, but because you can now be buffed by elemental buffs in parties, you are a lot stronger. Please do not use elemental conversion while soloing, as without party buffs this is quite weak.

The main change is acquiring a Conversion gem and 3 Elemental gems to replace the 4 Mystical gems in your sword, gauntlet, and rings. Do not forget to also get 2 Shiny Star Fragment Rings. These are very cheap, buy them off the marketplace. They give 4% damage total, which is amazing considering they barely cost anything at all. Finally, the title “Limit Breaker” will boost your elemental attack by another 5%. Acquire this title by finishing Green Dragon Nest quickly. This should not be much of a challenge.

Skill Crests

Moon Blade Dance 20% damage
Half Moon Slash 20% damage
Crescent Cleave 20% damage
Blade Storm 20% damage or Moon Light Splitter 20% damage

Half Moon Slash 50% action speed
Crescent Cleave 20% damage
Side Kick 50% action speed
Moon Blade Dance 20% damage or Moon Light Splitter 20% damage

The 4th plate for PvE does not contribute much, but Blade Storm plate may be better because Blade Storm is good to use during burst, and the plate's added 20% will be amplified by stacked party buffs and debuffs.

I also recommend either Manticore Gravity Ball or Black Hole Laser for your special crest. Gravity Ball has crazy high range and also very high superarmor break. It is useful for saving your teammates when they are stuck in a bind. Black Hole Laser can hit through most i-frames, and draw aggro to you. Since you are a tanky warrior, you can provide a tanking role to substitute a lack of a paladin.

If you have any extra gold, congratulations! You can really spend it on whatever you like. There are no more builds for you here. I suggest saving it for 80cap epic accessories, L-grades, or trying to stack more Intellect through 3rd stat plates.

Section 6: Playstyle

As a Lunar Knight, you bring a lot of damage and debuffs to the table. Mainly you are a DPS, meaning you hit the enemy as hard as you can. Luring Slice gives 50% physical and magical damage increase, and Cyclone EX gives 30% magical damage increase, so be sure to save and use these when your party is bursting.

As a DPS, the worst possible thing you could do is die. You had one job, to deal damage, and you can’t do that when dead. Therefore you should place main emphasis on survival instead of destroying the enemy, and only start shifting your focus to damage when you are comfortable.

That being said, Lunar Knight burst skill rotations are not difficult to pull off at all. Use your buffs and debuffs, and go to town. Your most damaging skill is Moon Blade Dance by far, followed by Half Moon Slash and Crescent Cleave close behind. Eclipse, Cyclone, and Moon Light Splitter do a lot less damage, and are used for debuffing or cleaning up low hp mobs left behind.

Note that two of Lunar Knight’s top DPS skills, Moon Blade Dance and Crescent Cleave, have multiple hits. The max possible hits for Moon Blade Dance is 15 (18 for ex) on large monsters(Fel Guardian size), and 10 (12 for ex) on all other mobs. Crescent Cleave will hit around 20 times on small mobs and 40 on larger mobs. If you are very skilled at hitting every single possible hit, you will squeeze out a lot of extra dps. This is such a difference that it can separate the good LKs from the best LKs.

To use MBD: Stand a moderate distance away, about half the total range of MBD itself, and do not use MBD while walking foward. Moon Blade Dance has a “Sweet spot” distance where it is a lot easier to hit all the hits.

To use Crescent Cleave: With the EX, stand around 1 meter away from the boss, hold “S”, and cast crescent cleave in the general direction of your enemy. Use this mostly on enemies that are stationary or otherwise casting a spell, as Crescent Cleave takes a while to finish doing all of its damage and you do not want the enemy to move out before it’s done.

Half Moon Slash is really almost impossible to miss.

Blade Storm is a strange skill. The first 4 "explosions" do very little damage, while the last "explosion" hits almost as strong as HMS, and the blade beam hits almost as strong as MBD. The casting time to get all 4 explosions off is very slow, so you should immediately cancel your ultimate into the last hit for maximum DPS. If used this way, the cast time is very fast, and damage is also moderately high. This should be used around a meter away from your target.

Note that your skills all have a varying optimal distance for maximum hits. My typical rotation is Crescent Cleave first (to ensure all hits on stationary target), then tumble cancel backwards to save time and reposition for Moon Blade Dance, followed by Half Moon Slash last because of no risk of missing.

Remember that damage in burst windows mostly relies on damage per cast time, and not damage per full cast of a skill. The damage you deal also is directly proportional to the number of hits you land. Landing 10 hits up from 7 is akin to getting 43% FD!

A neat trick to recovering control of your character is using Brush Off. You can use Brush Off at almost literally any time except when you are fully flat on the ground. This will cause you to instantly stand up, in addition to removing debuffs like normal. You can even cancel skills with this, so if you are stuck casting Black Hole Laser and miss, you can shorten recovery time. You cannot immediately act after brushing off, so be aware that you will still have a short window of vulnerability.

Many parties are Light elemental, and it would serve you well to try and afford a Light conversion set. There are Dark parties also, but Light is currently the most powerful and popular.

Example Skill Rotations

Courageous Shout > Luring Slice > Cyclone > Moon Blade Dance > Half Moon Slash
Courageous Shout > Luring Slice > Cyclone > Crescent Cleave > Half Moon Slash

Tumble > Moon Light Splitter (Activates 65 passive) > Half Moon Slash
Eclipse (Activates 65 passive) > Crescent Cleave

Activating 65 Passive
Your 65 passive is one of the strongest damage buffs in the game, but unfortunately it is not innately permanently active. The initial hit that activates it will not benefit from the increased damage. You should always activate your passive first before using any hard-hitting skills.

Using Brave:
The easiest and most convenient option when bursting. It powers you up and deals moderate magical damage, but be aware it has a high cooldown and you cannot tumble during its dangerous but short animation.

Using Eclipse:
My usual skill to rely on, it is very fast, pulls in enemies, and has almost no risk.

Using Moon Light Splitter:
High range and also multiple hit, allowing for half or more of the skill to be buffed by the 65 passive it activates. However, you may want to save MLS for actual damage, e.g. for finishing off a low hp mob across the map.

Using Impact Wave:
Very risky, should be your last resort. A long noncancelable casting animation makes it dangerous, but it does moderate damage by itself and, at lv6, has decent range.


“i-frames” stands for “Invulnerability Frame”, otherwise known as periods of time where you cannot get hit by most skills. As a Lunar Knight, your most used i-frame will be your basic Tumble by far. Almost all of your skills are cancelable at any time by Tumble, with Courageous Shout being the main exception. This lets you easily evade most attacks if you are able to predict and time it. If your tumble is down (You used it too early or for Dashing), you can use Forward Thrust. This is the reason it is level 1: the step-back animation is an i-frame and activates very quickly and lasts a respectable amount of time. Use this in emergencies.


Many bosses in this game will use a “stomp”, a mapwide attack that is mainly avoidable by jumping into the air. As a Lunar Knight, Moon Blade Dance is the easy way out of avoiding stomps. The incredibly long air-time is enough to avoid even triple stomps if timed correctly. However, it is not a good idea to rely on MBD to dodge stomps, as you will not always have it up and it is better used after setting up debuffs for more dps. Some bosses are straight up untargetable or take no damage while stomping.

A neat trick to extending jump time is by clicking once while jumping. The animation will extend your airtime slightly, but every bit helps. Using Aerial Combo to stay afloat is also an excellent idea. You can insert a short 1 second delay between each Aerial Combo hit to further increase airtime.

You may find that sometimes you are stuck in a casting animation, say after using Crescent Cleave or Half Moon Slash, and are unable to jump in time. This is because most skill's recovery animations cannot be cancelled by simply a jump. Evading out of a skill and then jumping is just barely doable, but requires amazing reflexes and knowledge of boss attack patterns. Alternatively, if you have a lv6 Destructive Swing as in my skill builds, you can cancel out of recovery animations with Destructive Swing, bringing you airborne. This is very fast and is a very safe way to deal with stomps.

Gameplay video

Here is me in BDN Memorial 1. You can see examples of optimal distance, maximizing hit count, and aiming. Your playstyle does not have to conform exactly to mine, this is just an example to illustrate core skills. Everybody plays differently.

Section 7: LK Mechanics stuff

This section will describe the details of how a few Lunar Knight skills work. These are some not immediately obvious tips that will help you along.

Moon Light Splitter EX adds an extra hit after spawning the AOEs that will deal 50% of the impact hit. This will hit downed enemies and they have quite a long lasting hitbox. Moon Light Splitter EX’s range is greatly extendable by aiming towards the ground of your target. The AOEs will spawn further than the maximum projectile range.

Forward Thrust’s slash direction is immediately changeable by using the “turn” command.

Use Half Moon slash EX’s first slash, then use the “turn” command and execute the EX slash in order to hit in a giant 360 circle around you. Good for clearing mobs.

Moon Blade Dance EX’s extra hit acts the same as regular blades, but deals x2 damage. Moon Blade Dance EX will deal 50% damage as you land to anybody you touch. Both of these hits have quite high Super Armor break values.

Moon Blade Dance EX can change directions mid-flight by holding the desired new direction and using the alt click.

Moon Blade Dance EX’s extra hit is camera locked, and therefore you must lead your target or not hold down any movement buttons as you execute the attack in order to not move.

Moon Blade Dance is aimed slightly to the bottom right of your crosshair. Drag your cursor to the top-left of your target while firing it in order to maximize accuracy.

Flash Stance’s animation can be sped up in PvP and launch many more waves by holding W and spamming the mouseclick. The dashing animation will be canceled by the attack animation, and reset the attack’s cooldown.

You will miss Half Moon Slash if your target is high in your cyclone.

Aerial Combo’s entire landing pose is a very long i-frame.

Crescent Cleave coefficients

So, after testing it turns out Crescent Cleave does not split the damage from 3 blades into 5 blades. The coefficient raises from x3 board to x5 board upon reaching lv6 or getting the EX. Additionally, the EX extra 2 blades are identical to the 5 blades. Each blade hits 4 times, each hit 0.25 of the coefficient. When the EX description says "Increases max hit count by 2 time(s)", that means each blade will now hit for 6 times.

All of this together, including the +20% dmg, the 7 blades, and the extra 2 hits, means that CCEX has an effective coefficient of 12.6x board, or 6590% at lv16. Not bad.

Note: The actual sword motion of CCEX also counts as hits. The damage is negligible. At 6 hits per blade and 7 blades total, and the 2 small hits, the maximum number of hit counts is 44 for CCEX, 2 of which don't do appreciable damage.

Section 8: PvP Quickstarter

This section will not be very long (I don’t want you learning all of my secrets now!). Suffice to say, Lunar Knights can be difficult to play if you do not want to be a “Lunar Kite”. Lunar Kites basically used their ranged skills to outrange their opponent and run away while they are on cooldown. Please do not do this, it is looked down upon and annoying to play against.

As a Lunar Knight, your utility (i-frames, lifts, speed, etc) will not be as good as many other classes. You have not gained any additional utility since level 40 cap, and as such you must emphasize prediction and effective counters and mindgames. However, Lunar Knights do have some of the highest damages seen in PvP ever, in addition to superb ranged AOEs that can disrupt your opponent.

Mainly Moon Blade Dance and Crescent Cleave are your damage-dealers, but they are hard to hit. In order to set yourself up for these skills, trap your opponent in a cyclone first. Do not shoot cyclones willy-nilly; here is how to do it properly.

Punch > kick once > cyclone
Wallbounce > turn around > cyclone
Heavy Slash > cyclone
...and many other possible permutations.

Use your Gladiator side of your skill tree to engage and skirmish, hopefully trapping them in a cyclone.

Moon Light Splitter is also great for doing extra damage when you have no other abilities to continue your combo. Just launch it at the opponent on the ground.

Also Parry Stance only really delays the match and makes it uncomfortable for both you and your opponent. Do not use this in friendly non-ladder matches.

Source: http://dragonnest.nexon.net/community/forum#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1353615-The-Community-Lunar-Knight-Guide%26nxid%3D62

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