Dragon Nest: DDNL vs WT Tech Ring Guide- Which Accessories is Better for Archers

Credits: DDNL vs WT Tech Ring Guide by hieveryone


as we all know, ddnl with sparks provides extremely good stats, mainly due to them having both elemental% and dmg% at the same time (as well as minor bonus from str/agi/int%). due to sharpshooters high scaling, ddnl on converted sharpshooters look like a great option.

however, wt tech ring, which makes wt debuff goes from 30% to 35%, is a great option as well since wt not only amplifies ur own dmg, but also the whole party's. also, despite not having dmg% due to using elemental gem instead, wt ring still gives really high base stats, as well as 3.76% light, adding on quality light gem, which gives another big boost of dmg as well as 8.05%.

thus, it is possible that using a wt ring may amplifies ur dmg more, even tho the dmg increased by wt is not reflected by in-town stats. so the goal of this calculation is to compare ddnl and wt tech ring in different scenarios.

the calculation will base on a light converted sniper (same conclusion goes for dark conversion as well, reasoning see below)

Basic Info

WT Tech Ring
Phys Dmg: 1312
Light Atk: 3.76%
with Quality Light Gem
Phys Dmg: 863
Light Atk: 8.05%

Phys Dmg: 833
Str: 166
Agi: 166
Phys Dmg: 4.31%
Str: 2.25%
Agi: 2.25%
Light Atk: 8.00%

Sniper Info w/o 1 Ring
Str (estimate): 4k
Agi (estimate): 40k
Str%: 10% <- 10%(crest)
Agi%: 67% <- 10%(crest) + 4%x9(gems) + 21%(spiritual focus)
Phys Dmg%: 37.7% <- 10%(crest) + 10%(powerhouse) + 11.7%(bow mastery) + 3%(costume armor) + 3%(costume weapons)
Light Atk: 1.10% <- 5%(title) + 5%(costume rings) + 8.05%x2(gems) - 25%(conversion)


factors that are relevant in comparing these two rings:
- Light Atk
- WT Debuff
- Phys Dmg%
- Pre-multiplied Phys Dmg 

Pre-multiplied Phys Dmg 

= [from str] + [from agi] + [from other sources]
= [str]*[str%]*0.25 + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5 + [from other sources] 

for WT Tech Ring
= [str]*[str%]*0.25 + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5 + [from other sources + 1312 + 863]
= [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 

for DDNL
= [str+166]*[str%+2.25%]*0.25 + [agi+166]*[agi%+2.25%]*0.5 + [from other sources + 833]
= [str]*[str%+2.25%]*0.25 + 46 + [agi+166]*[agi%+2.25%]*0.5 + 140 + [from other sources + 833]
= [str]*[str%]*0.25*(112.25%/110%) + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5*(169.25%/167%) + [from other sources + 833] + 46 + 140
= [str]*[str%]*0.25 + [str]*[str%]*0.25*(112.25%/110% - 1) + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5 + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5*(169.25%/167% - 1) + [from other sources + 833] + 46 + 140
= [previous in town pdmg] + [str]*[str%]*0.25*(112.25%/110% - 1) + [agi]*[agi%]*0.5*(169.25%/167% - 1) + 833 + 46 + 140
= [previous in town pdmg] + 20 + 269 + 833 + 46 + 140
= [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 

as we can see, so far WT Tech Ring gives better base stats (2175 pdmg), whild ddnl with factoring in agi% and str% still only gives 1290 pdmg. however, the strength of ddnl lies in that it also gives 4.31% pdmg, which scales really well with sniper's naturally high pdmg. 

the following calculation will factoring all the multipliers including pdmg%, wt debuff, light atk 

Soloing/Unbuffed Setting 

WT Tech Ring 

Light Atk: 12.91% <- 1.1%(base) + 3.76%(ring) + 8.05%(gem)
WT Debuff: 35% <- lvl7 wt
Phys Dmg%: 37.7% <- base

Final Dmg Output:
= 112.91% * 135% * 137.7% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 )
= 209.89% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 )


Light Atk: 9.1% <- 1.1%(base) + 8%(ring)
WT Debuff: 30% <- lvl6 wt
Phys Dmg%: 42.01% <- 37.7%(base) + 4.31%(ring)

Final Dmg Output:
= 109.1% * 130% * 142.01% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 )
= 201.41% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 )

as we can see, under solo setting, WT Tech Ring has a much higher total multiplier, as well as having a higher pre-multiplied pdmg gain, thus under solo/unbuffed setting, WT Ring is better, gives about 4.2% total dmg increase. 

however, this is not really helpful, since majority of the activities in dn is on 4man/raid setting. keep in mind, if u r soloing a lot, or ur party lacks buffs(such as dark party w/o ds or aw), or ur not converted, WT Tech Ring is better 

4Man/Raid Setting 

Only Light Buffs 

lets examine with only light buffs, since they are much more reliable and 100% up time 

Light Atk Buffs: 66% <- 30%(elemental aura) + 20%(blessing of light) + 16%(blessing of azuna)

now final dmg output changes as well: 

WT Tech Ring
= 178.91% * 135% * 137.7% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 )
= 332.58% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 ) 

= 175.1% * 130% * 142.01% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 )
= 323.23% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 ) 

as well can see, even with all light buffs on, WT Tech Ring still has a higher multiplier, as well as having a higher stat gain. in this scenario, WT Ring gives about 2.9% total dmg increase 

thus, in order to let ddnl have higher dmg output, we need additional debuffs that will stack on top of walking target (enenmy dmg taking increased debuff), such as luring slice, armor break, bind relic ex, etc 

Light Buffs + Debuffs 

lets calculate how much additional debuff% do we need to let ddnl break-even: 

178.91% * (135% + x%) * 137.7% = 175.1% * (130% + x%) * 142.01%
x = 405% 

since 405% is way over debuff cap(80%), which means we need to hit debuff cap in order to let ddnl have a higher multiplier. paladin has armor break which gives 40%, lb gives 25% from sss, with 30/35% from wt we can successfully hit debuff cap. when we hit debuff cap, +1 effect from teching wt is useless now. 

WT Tech Ring
= 178.91% * 180% * 137.7% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 )
= 443.45% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2175 ) 

= 175.1% * 180% * 142.01% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 )
= 447.59% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 1290 ) 

now finally ddnl has a higher multiplier than WT Ring, we can calculate how much pdmg do we need in town to break-even: 

443.45% ( x + 2175 ) = 447.59% * ( x + 1290 )
x = 93.5k 

in town pdmg with ddnl
= 142.01% * ( 93.5k + 1290 )
= 134.6k 

which means, as long as we have over 134.6k pdmg in town, and with capped debuff and proper light buffs, ddnl will out perform wt tech ring. considering 134.6k pdmg in town is extremely hard to achieve, we can safely conclude that WT Tech Ring is better than ddnl in this scenario. 

Light Buffs + Debuffs with 80 Unique Tech Ring 

as we all know, 80 unique tech accessories are coming out, which gives enhanced stats compare to epic, which will only push favor towards WT Tech Ring: 

WT Tech Ring
Phys Dmg: 1393
Light Atk: 4.77%
with Quality Light Gem
Phys Dmg: 863
Light Atk: 8.05% 

with that, the final dmg output changes to: 

= 179.92% * 180% * 137.7% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2256 )
= 446.07% * ( [previous in town pdmg] + 2256 ) 

now the break-even point for ddnl becomes: 

446.07% * ( x + 2256 ) = 447.59% * ( x + 1290 )
x = 282.2k 

in town pdmg with ddnl
= 142.01% * ( 282.2k + 1290 )
= 402.6k 

thus, we need 402.6k pdmg in town in order to have ddnl out perform unique WT Tech Ring. 

tl;dr with 66% light buffs from party and max debuff cap, a sniper needs 134.6k pdmg in town in order to let ddnl be more useful. thus WT Tech Ring is better than ddnl 

so yea, i consider wt tech ring to be a core gearing option on sniper. not only wt tech ring is cheaper (around 1.5k) compare to ddnl (around 10k or even higher, and only if u manage to buy it), also wt gives better overall dmg even in the most optimal scenario for ddnl to perform. under scenarios such as soloing, 4man nests, suboptimal 6 man raid, wt tech ring will amplify ur dmg even more. 

since both wt tech ring and lucky shot tech is core on sniper, which leaves only earrings and another ring slot. most 2 set bonuses for accessories are not good, thus i think the optimal setup will be: 

- Lucky Shot Tech Necklace
- Siege Stance Tech Earrings (or 80 Unique Earrings when they come out and u dont use siege stance a lot)
- WT Tech Ring
- DDNL / Sylph's Aid Tech Ring 

Source: http://dragonnest.nexon.net/community/forum#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1478593-DDNL-vs-WT-Tech-Ring%26nxid%3D62

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