Dragon Nest Comprehensive Dark Avenger Guide: All Things You Need to Know About Dark Avenger (Guide)

Credits: Dark Avenger Class Guide by Comphus


I:Introduction to the class
Dark Avenger, one of the new "hero" classes that eyedentity has implemented into the game. This class is technically a 5th branch of warrior, however you CAN NOT class change from any of the other 4 older branches into Dark Avenger, and vice versa. This class, being the "hero" class for warrior, does have some skills from all 4 branches adapted into their skill set one way or another, however his play style is not a copy of any of the warriors.

II:How does he feel compared to every other class?
Although he does have skills that are direct mimics of the other 4 warrior branches, such as a stronger triple slash, and forward thrust, the way his skill kit is implemented into dealing damage is completely different that every other class, with some similarities. Those rehashed skills can be used differently than how they were used before for the classes that originally had them. Since this class can dish out a whole lot of DPS while being in the air and the ground, while at the same time having an infinite tumble that has more range than any regular tumble currently in the game, creates for some interesting gameplay. Basically, most people will feel clueless going into this class at first, but then once you have a solid base to work with, you will see your dps skyrocket.

III:What does this change for Dragon Nest?
This adds a new class to Dragon Nest, a Fire-Physical base class that is capable of buffing and debuffing fire, along with giving a decent "luring slice" like debuff on enemies. This class is also one of the top DPS in the game when used properly, but being fire elemental adds some variety and interesting factors to Dragon Nest.

IV:Should I make a Dark Avenger?
You get a free level 60 one with free gear if you have a level 80 already in your account, on top of that, Dark Avenger can make you some good money as it is one of the best solo classes in the game.


I: What is his gameplay like leveling from 1-80? at cap?
Dark Avenger gameplay from leveling from 1-80 will seem very slow. level 1-15 will be a basic warrior start, then onward until 45, it will feel very slow. Although the skills have high board damage, the main ones have long casting animations, giving the illusion sluggish gameplay. Once you hit 45, you will be able to get your transformation, which makes life go by a lot easier, and it will become a breeze once you hit 65 and get the passive from then till cap.

At level cap, Dark Avenger gameplay will become very intriguing. In order you to deal the most DPS possible, you will have to maintain your transformation, which isnt hard at all to do. With transformation increasing the damage of most of your main damage skills, along with halving their CDs, this class in the hands of a very experienced person will be able to constantly dish out DPS while never getting hit.

II:How is he different/same from other classes/warriors?
He is the exact character model as a warrior, uses the exact same gear as a gladiator, and has a number of skills that are practically the same as the other 4 warrior branches. He is similar to acrobat and merc in terms of mobility and super armor respectively, but mostly not to their levels. He is different from every other class in the game because of how active his game style is. Being able to constantly attack on the ground or air, and having to constantly attack in order to maintain dark avenger form makes this class unique in terms of gameplay.

III:How is his board damage %?
Dark Avenger board damage is one of the highest in the game. Having skills that range from 2k% - 14k% board damage on extremely low cool down skills makes this class one of the top DPS in game. Most of his skills have a medium-large AoE range, which makes him great for soloing.

IV:How is the learning curve for this class?
The learning curve for this class is like the graph of y = 1/5x, with very large jumps a few times whenever the player finds a certain method of skill rotation and mechanic use. Id say these points would be: 1., learning how to dodge, 2. learning how to use proper skill rotations, and 3., developing a subconscious way to keep track of transformation. In terms of difficulty to climb up the graph, id say it would be a little bit harder than trying to learn gladiator, but at some points extremely easy if done right.

V:Is there one specific way to play Dark Avenger?
Due to the different ways the talents can be placed for Dark Avenger, as well as how playstyle always varies from person to person, no, there is not one specific way to play Dark Avenger.

VI:Good solo class?
This class is one of the best solo classes, due to their medium- large aoe skills that have high board damage with low CDs. Not only this, they also have a good number of buffs and debuffs.

SECTION 3: Dark Avenger in a Raid/nests

I:How much does this class contribute to a party?
This class has a potential 40%(32% without tech, 36 with tech, 40% double tech) fire party buff with excellent uptime, -29% fire elemental resist debuff with medium-excellent uptime, and a 28% damage increase debuff with okay uptime. On top of the ridiculous DPS this class outputs, this class contributes a lot for fire parties, and a good amount for regular parties.

II:Should I be asking for one of these classes all the time in a party?
In a fire party, this class is a must have. For all other parties, you can take them with you if you want, but not a necessity.

III:How does he do in nests?
With a good party composition, this class excels at nests. Even in a heavily light focused 4 or 6 man party, the fact that this class does not have any phys% increase buffs and very little damage increase debuffs on the enemy, makes this class fit in practically any party that has a good amount of party buffs.

IV:How does he do in raids?
In raids, Dark Avenger can sometimes find ways to save time/ save lives(lifesaver) with how the class functions. Other than the dps, this class potentially has a ridiculously long air time while being able to deal tons of damage, meaning stomps don't exist for this class. Because of this, you can have this class dish out a lot of damage while your team is stuck jumping that golem's triple stomp.

V:What mechanics do Dark Avengers excel at in instances? bad at?
As stated above, Dark Avengers excel at dodging stomp mechanics. They are also really good skipping mechanics, since they have huge single hitting burst skills, which is a lot faster than just a whole bunch of hits. Dark Avengers find some difficulty in debuff mechanics, mainly because transformation is debuffable. If you use a skill after your transformation is debuffed, it will most likely have a slower casting animation, less damage and a longer CD than if you were in transformation, which is a pain. Electrocutions can also serve as a problem, because you do have the option to deal damage in the air with some skills, meaning you'll drop like a fly once you've been zapped.

VI:When and how long is this class' burst/dps window open?
The biggest burst window you will have will usually last a few seconds, then after that you will be able to use skills for a good amount of burst, before your main burst skills come back on CD after 15 seconds. As for DPS, you will never run out of skills to constantly dish out, so maintaining good constant DPS shouldn't be hard.

VII:Is this class much harder/easier to play when with multiple people?
It can be a lot harder for some instances to play Dark Avenger, mainly because of his tumble in dark avenger form(i've killed lots of people like this), his ability to be mobile in the air, and just the warrior mindset of being able to use life saver at the right time. Dark Avenger's tumble has a longer tumble distance and is faster than every other class. Because this is spammable and uncontrollable, it will take a lot of time to get used to how far you go with it, but until then, you will most likely kill someone if you tumble on top of them when there is some type of mechanic that damages every individual player in some form of AoE way(like kalahan ice spikes).

VIII:Fire parties?
Fire parties will probably be more common now due to Dark Avenger, mainly because of his high fire buff and fire resist debuff. Not only that, priests and paladins have the ability to buff fire, meaning there can be more variety in a fire party. So in other words, fire parties are gonna be a lot more OP now with the addition of Dark Avenger.

IX:Light parties?
Although they DAs dont get all the benefits from a light party, because priests/paladins can buff fire%, along with the fact that this class doesn't have any self physical damage increasing skills to stack on to his high board damage skills, means that this guy will be perfectly fine in a light party.

X:Ice parties?
DA's dont really buff anything from ice, but with the release of DA, priests can now buff ice. so i guess you can put them in there if you want, idk meng.


I:Mechanics in PVE
One of the main mechanics DA has in PVE is that it can lift. other than the numerous amount of skills that lifts, they also have a skill that is similar to switch gravity, just with a bit longer uptime. This class is also a good pusher, at it does have the main SM push skills, along with a couple other push skills. So in other words, this class can lift, this class can push, and this class can slam.

II:Mechanics in PVP
Mechanics in PVP are nearly the same as they are in PVE. The only main difference is that most skills have less super armor and super armor break, your passive SA bubble gives you barely any extra SA, and it is a lot harder to obtain Transformation due to the very low crit that equalized PVP gives.



I:Recommended PVE skill build before doomblade nerf

II:Recommended PVE skill build After doomblade nerf.


III:Recommended PVP skill build.
Can be the exact same as the PVE build, however can be tweaked to the player's playstyle to make more interesting ways to beat people.

IV:What are these Dark Avenger Talent like skills?
These talent like skills that Dark Avenger has in their 3rd job skill tree are skills that you can only choose one of out of a pair. There are only 4 pairs of them, and some are very no brainer, but depending on the persons playstyle/raid group, they can vary.

V:Why these talents? when can they be different?
There are specific reasons why these talents are recommended.

For the first set:
You have 20% HP increase VS 10% damage reduction increase. mathematically you CAN set these two percentages equally for a rough estimate to see which is better, mainly because there are no mechanics in the game that deal % hp damage while not ignoring damage reduction, instead everything is dealt with a calculated number for damage, meaning the equation is either HP/.9 = damage needed to kill you for the reduction passive, while it is HP*1.2 = damage needed to kill you for the hp% passive.

second set:
10% FD VS 15% fire element buff. On paper it may seem that the 15% fire elemental buff is better than the FD buff, but when you put the actual numbers in the damage equation, the outcome will vary by being reliant on your fire% and your FD%. however for those with 0% FD, if you have a base of at least 50% fire without buffs, then FD% will be better by up to 3.4%. Refer to the graph to see what you should choose!

This is assuming you have a base of 50% fire in town without either passive

third set:
10% more damage on aerial skills vs 5% more crit damage. due to your skills not being all aerial attacks, this passive is completely dependant on the persons playstyle, meaning if they use ground attacks a lot more VS air attacks a lot more. however with some intense math if anyone wants to do it, it is possible to determine what is the best for a skill rotation that will always output the most DPS

fourth set:
15% crit VS 5% crit and having transformation become a 5 second CD. with Dragon Nest having many sorts of debuffs on mobs, you should always get the B passive for this set, mainly because without it, transformation is on a 60 second cooldown, which then leads to a major drop in DPS when you arent transformed

VI:Why you shouldn't think these builds are the best of the best. 
Dark Avenger is a class that can be molded to fit a persons group or personal needs, these skill builds are more of a base to work with for new players, but can be altered to whatever that player desires.

[U]VII:Skill builder link./U]
all credit for these pictures goes to the people over at dnss.herokuapp


I:What are his main stats?
Dark Avenger's main stats are STR, Fire element and physical damage. Because Dark Avenger has a +90% str passive, it is highly recommended to ALWAYS stack STR. Your 2nd stat for gems should be either VIT or AGI.

II:What equipment should I get for him?
Dark Avenger uses the exact same equipment as a gladiator, warrior armor with a sword and guantlet. For accessories, anything that has Phys/str/fire% is always recommended. Talismans and enhancement crests should follow the same theme.

III:Skill plates?
The main skill plates you should try to always get are Dark crash(level 50 skill) and vengeance storm(level 32 skill). As for the other 2-5 skill plates, i used piercing crescent and dark stinger for my DA in KDN, however those last 2 options are usually up to the playstyle of the player, if they solo or are in parties more.

SECTION 7: Overall PVE&PVP experience?

I:PVE experience
PVE experience for Dark Avenger feels confusing and slow as first, but once you progress it becomes extremely fun and exciting. PVE experience can vary throughout person to person, as there are many different ways to execute skill rotations.

I:PVP experience
PVP experience for Dark Avenger is very below average without transformation at first, but then becomes slightly better once you implement side kick combos into your rotations. it feels very underpowered and slow, but with transformation, it becomes extremly fast and unfair for the opponent, with you being able to dish out skills that do 10-40k damage in an instant without crits. transformation should be black or whitelisted.


Note: all of this is with KDN knowledge, i dont know if the NA version has any of the said bugs fixed/ still there.

I:Beneficial bugs
Some beneficial bugs DA has is being able to insta cast the 50 if you use it before hitting the ground. The forward thrust skill also slightly acts like spirit dancer skills, where you can slide it quickly to increase its hit radius. Sometimes, you can dash in the air multiple times without having to use a buffer skill in the middle to trigger it. Then after, there are a few more skills that have some bugs but i wont mention them due to how heavily it can affect the class, go find it on your own :P.

II: Detrimental bugs
A lot. the same beneficial bug that makes dark crash instant can also make it do no damage at all. sometimes transformation will not work and give you no benefits at all. sometimes your skills will either do no damage, or do non elemental damage that is nothing compared to what it should of been. too many bugs with that teleport skill. weird bugs with that super armor skill. there are lots of other minor ones too, but i dont want to write a novel about them. remember, all of this is with KDN experience, NA might of fixed them.

SECTION 9: Pros and Cons of Dark Avenger

The biggest pro in my opinion for Dark Avenger, is the fact that he uses practically the exact same gear as a gladiator, meaning people can save/make lots of money if they already had a geared glad. This class has ridiculously high board damage.

From my experience, this class can be very annoying when it comes to its bugs. Transformation can be debuffed. not light element.

SECTION 10:What to expect from the information gathered for T5 DA

I: What is T5?
T5 is known as Transformation 5. it is pretty much a stage in the game where the developers practically overhaul the entire game, meaning major class revamps/balances, along with changes to game mechanics.

II:How might this affect Dark Avenger?
From current data, this is going to affect DA as much as any other class, with nearly all of the party buffs becoming self buffs, there wont be much to buff DA to extremely high levels in parties just like with other classes.

III:How might this affect his party status?
Can't really tell without any solid information on how every class will be after T5, but if things were to stay the same as they were now, he will probably a bit more wanted, due to having an all elemental debuff, and a small "luring slice" debuff.

SECTION 1:Fashion Nest?

I: Dark Avenger Fashion nest?
DA uses the same warrior model and the same costumes as warriors, so sorry fashion nesters, youre still going to look bad in town until christmas.

Source: http://dragonnest.nexon.net/community/forum#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1448930-Dark-Avenger-Class-Guide-thread%26nxid%3D62

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