World of Warcraft Patch 7.1.5 PTR: Tier 19 Set Bonus Changes

Patch 7.1.5 is less than three days away and Blizzard is using this time for final tuning of the patch before release. Two days ago they released a patch with hotfixes to many Legendary items. The main aim now were Tier 19 Set Bonuses.  Below is a complete list of changes.

Tier 19 Set Bonus Changes

Death Knight

Item - Death Knight T19 Frost 4P Bonus -  Howling BlastHowling Blast now generates 8 Runic Power while RimeRime is active. (down from 10 Runic Power)

Item - Druid T19 Balance 4P Bonus -  StarsurgeStarsurge deals 15% increased damage to targets affected by both your SunfireSunfire and MoonfireMoonfire. (down from 20%)


Item - Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus -  Dire BeastDire Beast reduces the cooldown of Bestial WrathBestial Wrath by an additional 8 sec. (up from 3 sec.)

Item - Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus -  When you use Bestial WrathBestial Wrath, all of your currently summoned  Dire BeastDire Beasts gain 50% (down from 60%) increased damage for 15 sec. up from 8 sec.)

Item - Hunter T19 Marksmanship 4P Bonus -  TrueshotTrueshot also reduces the cost of all your Focus spenders by 15%. (down from 50%)

Item - Hunter T19 Survival 2P Bonus -  Flanking StrikeFlanking Strike now has 3 times the normal chance to trigger Hunting CompanionHunting Companion. (up from 2 times)


Item -Mage T19 Fire 2P Bonus -  Enhanced PyrotechnicsEnhanced Pyrotechnics provides an additional 20% critical strike chance from each application. (up from 10%)


Item -Monk T19 Windwalker 2P Bonus -  Reduces the cooldown on Rising Sun KickRising Sun Kick by 3 sec. (up from 2 sec.)

Item -Monk T19 Windwalker 4P Bonus -  Using 3 sequentially different abilities grants 2,000 Mastery for 10 sec. (up from 1,500 Mastery)


Item - Paladin T19 Retribution 4P Bonus -  Your Holy Power generating abilities have a 20% chance to generate 1 additional Holy Power. (up from 15%)


Item - Rogue T19 Subtlety 4P Bonus -  ShadowstrikeShadowstrike has a 30% chance to generate an additional combo point when used on targets affected by your NightbladeNightblade. (down from 100%)

Item - Rogue T19 Outlaw 2P Bonus -  Saber SlashSaber Slash has an additional 30% chance to trigger Mastery: Main GaucheMain Gauche. (down from 40%)


Item - Shaman T19 Elemental 4P Bonus -  Elemental FocusElemental Focus increases damage and healing by an additional 10%. (down from 15%)

Item - Warlock T19 Destruction 2P Bonus -  Casting Chaos BoltChaos Bolt reduces the cast time of your next Chaos BoltChaos Bolt by 40% for 4 sec. (up from 30%)

Item - Warrior T19 Arms 2P Bonus -  Increases the duration of Battle CryBattle Cry by 2 sec. (down from 3 sec.)

If you're interested in Tier 19 Sets, you can access our preview here.

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