There's a Gamebreaking Bug Now in Overwatch's Competitive Play

There's nothing worse than a bug to ruin your day - there you are, owning your opponents, racking up eliminations and you win the round. Perfect. But then you get to the score screen and what should be a 3-0 victory after pushing the payload all the way in, suddenly becomes a 3-4 in favor of your enemy for no apparent reason.

That's what's happening to some people, like Reddit user Endjui:

And it's not just confined to the NA server, either - here's an example of the same thing happening in Korea. The score should be 1-0 after winning one round of Control, but instead the enemy team's score shoots up to 9-1.Blizzard has yet to comment on the bug, but we'll keep you posted as soon as they do. It seems to happen very rarely.
Blizzard has yet to comment on the bug, but we'll keep you posted as soon as they do. It seems to happen very rarely.

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