Destiny Fans Created This Awesome Printable Grimoire Cards

Destiny has had a reputation since the early days of its release for being a game without much of a story behind it. While that might have been true at launch, however, it’s an unfair criticism that still follows Destiny around even after Bungie has made a deliberate choice to make the story more cohesive and interesting. Destiny: the Taken King, for instance, received a lot of praise for revitalizing the narrative and making gamers care about the world of Destiny once more, but that still hasn’t completely dispelled the general perception of the game’s story.

Part of that might be because most of Destiny‘s history requires fans to do a bit of digging into the game’s Grimoire cards to understand the sci-fi narrative’s beginnings. The Grimoire offers gamers a reason to care about things like the rumored Fallen raid in the upcoming fall expansion that might be called Destiny: Rise of Iron, but it can be a bit of a hassle to access. That’s why redditor and Destiny aficionado rustwoodstudios has created print-ready versions of every single Grimoire card currently available in-game.

rustwoodstudios’ project is a massive undertaking in making Destiny‘s lore both stylish and accessible on a physical level, and the result has been an exceptionally positive response from the Guardians of Destiny‘s subreddit. Although Bungie has started to promote the lore, art, and design of Destiny on Twitch streams, the response from the community regarding the printable Grimoire cards makes it painfully obvious that Destiny should have an artbook or official Grimoire made in the near future.

That being said, it has been a turbulent time for Bungie and Destiny fans alike, so lore might not even make the discussion list at developer meetings right now. Rumors about the game’s sequel have been largely positive, however, like the one that suggests Destiny 2 has been rebooted to include The Taken King‘s director Luke Smith in a much larger role. The Taken King was praised by many as a step in the right direction for Destiny, and if the rumor is true, Smith should be able to deliver an exciting sequel.

It’s not all sunshine and roses in the land of Bungie, though. The recent news that Destiny may ban players with bad internet connections from the Crucible has predictably been a sore spot for the community, and it’s yet another example of the polarizing approach Bungie has taken thus far with Destiny‘s on-going development. At the very least, Guardians like rustwoodstudios prove that Destiny fans aren’t going anywhere soon, and that the playerbase is ready and willing to embrace an even better story should one be made available soon.

If you want to take a look at the printable grimoire cards for yourself, then just head over to the original source here.

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Source: Reddit

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