Destiny TTK: Soloing Oryx is Now Near Impossible With the Sleeper Simulant Nerf

As you may all know by now, there has been a guardian that solo-ed Oryx and it seems that he is almost done with a guide on how to solo Oryx easily. However, after the 2.1.0 patch, things have definitely change.

Until the patch, players could use the Sleeper Simulant to stun Oryx with two quick shots to the chest. However, it seems the 2.1.0 patch the time between shots has been increased. Rather than being able to shoot off a second shot right away, players have to wait for the fusion rifle to charge up again, taking away their opportunity to stun Oryx.

A youtuber video's shows how difficult it is to solo Oryx after the fix. The added wait time as the fusion rifle recharges seems like an eternity with Oryx bearing down on the player. You can check out the video below:

At the moment, this is the only known way to take down Oryx. It’s likely Bungie didn’t intend for this to happen, and the developer may decide to reverse this feature on the fusion rifle. Even though Bungie intended for players to work together as a team to take down Oryx, it still benefits the company when players can run it solo, since it keeps them in the game longer.

Fortunately, there does still seem to be a way to use the Sleeper Simulant, but requires a 318-plus level and three shots to Oryx’s chest. So it is still possible, but only in Normal mode. Since Oryx gains more health the longer it takes Guardians to kill him, players simply don’t have time to drop Oryx solo in hard mode using this method.

If the team at Bungie decide not to reverse the Sleeper Simulant nerf, they may introduce a new weapon in a later update that allows players to once again solo Oryx on hard, and more easily beat the Taken King on Normal.

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Credits: Special thanks to The Great Gatsby for the video.

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