How Destiny Raid Bosses Would Look at 60FPS!

Destiny has always been at 30FPS cap on consoles. Because of this, there have been some frame drop issues players have encountered. This player “esoterickk” on r/DestinyTheGame has posted a complete guide on how it took him convert a 30FPS footage to 60FPS using Motion Interpolation method.

Motion Interpolation is the process used to convert a 30FPS footage into 60FPS. Additional frames have been created in order to bring 30FPS to 60FPS footage. Here’s a complete guide for it.  Using Butterflow, you can convert any footage in 60FPS. This player also explains how exactly can this be done. Here's some of example:

Destiny 60FPS - Solo Atheon No HUD [Motion Interpolation Video]

Destiny 60FPS - Solo Crota's End No HUD [Motion Interpolation Video] - Full Raid + Flawless Raider

Destiny 60FPS - Solo Skolas No HUD [Motion Interpolation Video]

Destiny 60FPS - Solo Oryx No HUD [Motion Interpolation Video]

Destiny 60FPS - Solo Aksis No HUD [Motion Interpolation Video] - 4 Phase Kill

This is only 60FPS not 1080p!

This player also defeated every Raid Boss solo with NO HUD. This is the complete playlist of every Raid Boss in 60FPS. Be Sure to select 1080px60FPS to actually see the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS. 

If you want to try it for yourself, then the steps can be seen below.

How to use butterflow to create 60FPS videos:

It's actually rather simple really, but it is a time consuming process. These steps are only for Windows too (I believe it runs on Mac/Linux, I just don't know the steps). I'd also suggest ensuring that you have footage recorded at 1080p - I mention this because unfortunately the default PS4 recording is only 720p (PS4 Pro records 1080p I believe), so the result isn't as good. If you're using an Elgato, make sure that the "allow 60FPS" setting is turned off. You want it to record at the default 30fps and then bring it up to 60fps with the interpolation process.

As linked in the other thread above, you first need to get butterflow (link here: ). On that page scroll down to the "How to Install" section and download the "butterflow-" file ( image ). Extract that file to a folder (using Winrar/Winzip/7-zip or whatever you prefer), I simply put it on my desktop. Inside the "butterflow-0.2.2" folder you just extracted there will be a "butterflow.exe" file. This is what you'll be using, so take a note of the path where it is. You cannot access this directly, and need to use something like command prompt to call it.

To do so, either press "Windows+R" to open run, or open up the Start Menu in windows. Type and search for "cmd" which will bring up "Command Prompt". It will look something like this ( image ). Now the next line is how we're going to call butterflow from here, and I'll explain the parts below (these are the settings I personally found to work best):

"C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Desktop\butterflow-0.2.2\butterflow.exe" -audio -v -r 60 -sm -ff gaussian "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Desktop\60FPS\VIDEONAME.mp4"

Replacing the first filepath with where you extracted the file you downloaded earlier (easiest to just go to where you can see butterflow.exe and copying the URL (for reference: image link ). The second filepath being the video you wish to turn from 30fps to 60fps.

  • -audio is to include audio
  • -v is to give you a progress counter
  • -r 60 is frame rate (can be set differently, or to 2x etc)
Those are the basic settings you'll likely want to use, the rest is up to you and experimentation. There is quite a lot you can do with it, and you can specify quite a lot as well. If you use the following you can get a list of all the settings and mess around with it further:

"C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Desktop\butterflow-0.2.2\butterflow.exe" -h

You're able to set output path for where you want the interpolated video to end up. If you leave it by default, it will go to your default user path "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\out.mp4", with "out.mp4" being the filename.

Once you have all the settings you wish to run, press Enter on the command line and it will begin to run. It make take a while to show up, and if you have the -v setting it will give you a progress tracker. If you don't have that, no progress will appear until it's complete.

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