Google is reportedly making a more advanced VR device that is more of a true headset

Google initially released their Cardboard VR headset as an example of Virtual Reality and Android working together. Now reports are coming out that the company is working on a new VR headset that will actually take the form of a true VR headset, instead of a piece of folded cardboard.

The new headset will be more in the style of what Samsung released with their Gear VR headset. In fact, according to the report from the Financial Times, Google is hedging a few bets on a new headset as well as some VR software related goodies. Of course this is the Financial Times suggesting these things are happening. If true, Google would be releasing this new headset later this year.

The new headset would have better sensors, a much better case, better lenses, and it should be able to house any size of smartphone. The report also states that Google has new "Android VR technology" that they will be showcasing along side this new headset.

It should be interesting to see what Google ends up producing though in the end. Virtual Reality has done quite well for itself already and with companies like Epic bringing VR game development support to Unreal Engine, and now Google throwing weight behind VR even more, Virtual Reality has plenty of promise ahead of it.

Source: The Financial Times

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