Destiny Had a Great 2015, But Can it Repeat the Same Feat in 2016?

Activision Blizzard Inc.’s Destiny The Taken King has been one of the big games in the past year. The game, initially released in September 2014, has managed to stay relevant for quite a long while and it has been a great achievement. The events and the randomness of the loot drops in Destiny have been able keep up player interest and the player base for the game has continued to grow until recently. Now, there is one major concern on the minds of all the players of the game out there.

Destiny’s latest expansion, The Taken King, came out back in September 2015 and offered a fresh new variety of content to all of its players. The expansion seemed to rid the game of all of the problems that remained for the game’s initial run and the brand new Raid, King’s Fall, managed to spark a renewed interest in the game for everyone. Now, a few months after The Taken King’s release, players have seen the same problem as before, the lack of new content.

With the recent rumors of Destiny’s sequel being delayed, there is much confusion regarding the current state of Destiny and Bungie’s future plans about the game. Since it has already been announced the game’s Year Two is going to be about small events and whatnot, it seems really unclear right now as to how Bungie is working to make the players stick to the game in 2016. What is more is the fact that with the current situation of the game, I do not know how Bungie’s ten-year plan for the game is actually going to work out. As we knew until recently, Bungie’s plan for Destiny was to release full featured games every year with one or two expansions in between. Now, it looks like that has changed as well since Destiny 2 has been delayed.

These changes in plans are not something that we have come across recently. As we all know, the game underwent a complete directional change before its release and this was one of the major reasons of the game’s initial delay. These rampant plan changes have come to be the biggest problem today for the game. For the most part, fans are worried about what new content is going to be brought on by Bungie and from the looks of the current content being brought on (the Sparrow Racing League and the upcoming Valentine’s Day event), I hate to say it but Bungie is running out of ideas for Destiny to stay relevant this year.

If you ask me, the only thing that can save Destiny and its player base right now is the addition of a new end-game activity or at least reviving an old activity in line with current levels. I mean, as the level cap grew over the course of the year, players have stopped completing older activities such as the good ol’ Vault of Glass or Crota’s End. It could be fun doing all of those activities adjusted to the new light level system.

With all of that said, while reviving old content could save Destiny from losing its player base for a short while, the real interest spark is only going to be the addition of a new Raid or similar end game activity. If that happens, it is surely going to be the game changer and the game could be returned to its former glory.

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