Destiny Player Creates Iron Banner Sword 3D Model

Destiny‘s monthly PvP event, Iron Banner, wraps up tonight after its first outing featuring the Rift gametype. Most players who participate in Iron Banner every month do so to get the new gear available from Lord Saladin, and hope for high Light level drops. Available on a rotating basis each event, Iron Banner gear can include a weapon specific to the event, save one—a sword.

Swords are a heavy weapon in Destiny first introduced in The Taken King, but it is a weapon class that some would argue doesn’t get enough love. There are only really three sword types available and they are all specific to a single quest, with no PvP-specific swords or raid-specific swords available in the game. Well, that hasn’t stopped a few talented fans from creating a concept for an Iron Banner version.

Reddit user DEADPOOL-52 posted a concept for such a weapon last week on Reddit in a sketch form. It was his idea for what an exclusive Iron Banner sword could look like, clad in the event’s signature wolf heads and dubbed “Excalibur.” Then, a fellow fan on Reddit saw the art for the sword, and designed and rendered a 3D model of it.

This is similar to what fans did in Year One shortly after the first Iron Banner, when one player designed an idea for an Iron Banner Ghost Shell. The community praised the idea and design of that fan-made Ghost Shell, but such an item did not exist for a very long time. Bungie finally introduced an Iron Shell after The Taken King released, but with a visual design generally considered less impressive than the fan version.

Hopefully the buzz generated by these fans will compel Bungie to add an Iron Banner sword into Destiny, because at this point in Destiny‘s lifespan any new addition would be welcomed by its player base. As Bungie continues work on a sequel with more live events such as Crimson Days in the lineup, fans are hungry for more content. Adding in more weapons to the game, whether exotic or not, might just keep some players hooked.

Currently, Destiny has six swords in the game: a complete set of legendary and exotic tier swords for each elemental damage type. A very popular edition to Destiny, the exotic swords are especially effective, boasting unique abilities and high DPS. Players have even floated the idea of wanting to be able to earn a sword in the King’s Fall Raid, another activity in the game that offers a version of every weapon type except for a sword and sidearm.

Bungie hasn’t communicated any intention to bring more swords—or any other weapons for that matter—into the game, though. Perhaps they could add some in the bigger event Bungie has teased as coming later this year. Anything the developer can do to keep players engaged during this content drought is a good thing.

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