Destiny Tip: If you're participating on Crimson Doubles for 320 Ghost, then it drops when suicide farming on 0 kills

If you're that kind of guy who just participate in Crimson Doubles just to get the 320 Ghost, then there's a very quick way to get it...

All you need to do is just jump off the map 5 times in a row, or ToM yourself dead and complete the game quickly.  

Sounds really insane eh and you can't believe that this method actually works? Then just go check out the video below as proof that the ghost actually drops when you suicide on 0 kill.

Note: The ghost you'll see in the video is not actually the 320 ghost but, this does prove that the ghost actually drops when you suicide kill.

Here's another proof (this time it's an image)

It takes about 1-2 minutes total to finish the game and get a chance at the ghost. Making it even faster than IB mercy farming, and you don't have to worry about getting a kill either. This also works for the shaders too.

So if you don't care about your K/D and just want to farm for ghosts, this seems to be the best method for it!

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Credits: Special thanks to esoterickk for sharing this very helpful tip.

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