Pokemon GO Generation 2 Region Exclusive Pokemon

There has been a lot of debate on which Generation II Pokémon are region exclusive and where they are. We’ve seen a huge amount of both disinformation and research done on this subject, so in order to clarify, we’re creating this page as a global guide for region exclusives.

We’ll be covering location, coordinates and maps of region exclusive Pokémon.

Map of Generation II region exclusives

Let’s start with the map. As you can see, Heracross is exclusive to South and Central America. Corsola is region exclusive to the tropical areas of the world where coral life is in it’s natural habitat.

You can see how the current state of region exclusive Pokémon looks like on the map below:

Credits for the map go to oktimeforplanb

Corsola spawn locations research

TheSilphRoad community conducted an amazing amount of research in regards to Corsola spawn latitudes. Finally, we know: Corsola only spawns between 31N and 26S latitudes. Corsola is the first known Pokémon whose region spawns through the entire world, but limited with latitudes. Niantic knows their geofencing.

The data was collected using a Google form and included more than 800 reports. The entire research is available here.

Pokémon which are not Generation II region exclusives

There was a crazy amount of speculation in regards to following Pokémon being region exclusive:
  • Girafarig
  • Delibird
Trainers, none of them are region exclusive. Girafarig is not Africa exclusive, it has been found everywhere, with a notably huge nest in Berlin (Germany). Delibird is not yet available in game, so it’s not a region exclusive to Antarctica/North Pole/Greenland/Mt.Everest (we checked there, don’t worry).

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