7 Rare Pokemon in Sun & Moon and How to Find Them

Pokemon Sun and Moon rare spawn locations can be found all over the game. There are over 300 Pokemon to catch or acquire in Alola region of Pokemon Sun and Moon, but did you know that there is a way to make Pokemon from other regions spawn in the game as well? That’s the magic of the Island Scan feature. Pokemon Sun and Moon rare spawn locations and other Pokemon locations have all been identified and our list below will show you exactly how and where to capture them.

The Alola region is the true star of Pokémon Sun and Moon, a tropical landscape full of rare and elusive Pokémon. Any Pokémon trainer is likely eager to capture all of the region’s new Pokémon and fill up their Pokédex. However, some of these creatures are rather tough to obtain with a guide for the Pokemon Sun and Moon rare spawn locations.

Below, you’ll find a guide on how to locate some of the harder-to-find monsters in Sun and Moon. Be warned, the descriptions may contain mild spoilers for the story of the games. Pokemon Sun and Moon Rare Spawn Locations will also feature some QR codes (here are all the QR codes) that players can scan with their 3DS to view each location on the in-game map.

#1 Mareanie

Finding this elusive Water and Poison type requires you to make use of one of Pokémon Sun and Moon’s new tactics for catching Pokémon. Before you set out, you’ll want to make sure you have a few Adrenaline Orbs, a fishing rod, and many Dive Balls. Surf out into the bay on Akala island and head for one of the rippling fishing spots. Cast your rod until you find Corsola.

While in battle with Corsola, its important not to knock it out. Have your battling Pokémon hold the Adrenaline Orb and chip away at Corsola’s health. When it calls for help, Mareanie has a chance to appear. If Corsola brings in a different Pokémon, be sure to knock the help out and Corsola will call another one. Doing so a few times should net you a Mareanie. Upon capture, read Mareanie’s Pokédex entry for some insight into why it only spawns with Corsola.

#2 Dewpider

After clearing Captain Lana’s trial, return to Brooklet Hill during the day. Ride around on Lapras’s back in the open waters until you come across Wimpider. This is the only location in the game where this creature will appear, and it doesn’t come out at night.

Its evolution, Araquanid, can be found later in the game in Mallie Garden, or evolved from Wimpider at level 22. However, if you’re aiming to completely fill your Pokédex, you’ll either need to breed Araqunid, or head down to Brooklet Hill and grab Dewpider.

#3 Wimpod

This fearful bug can be found skittering around on several beaches in the Alola region. To capture it, you’ll need to run into one of the creatures in the overworld and engage it. It is best to use Tauros’s charging ability while in pursuit, so the creature can’t evade you. If you fail to touch Wimpod before it hides in its cave, it will take another 24 hours for more to spawn.

After starting a battle with Wimpod, be careful about doing too much damage. If its health falls below 50 percent, Wimpod’s ability allows it to flee from battle. Your best bet will be to use a move like Sing or Thunder Wave and chuck Quick Balls at the Pokémon until its yours. The spots where Wimpod are found can be located on Route 8 and the coasts of Poni Island. 

#4 Jangmo-o

Though this little dragon was revealed in an early trailer for Sunand Moon, it unfortunately can’t be caught until late in the game. On Poni Island, your fourth destination on the Trial Challenge, you’ll enter the Vast Pond Canyon in search of a Totem Pokémon. While you will encounter Jangmo-o and its evolutions deep inside a dark cave near the end of the challenge, it is possible to capture one outside of this event.

Up the hill from the entrance to the Totem’s Den, there are a few elevated patches of grass. Jangmo-o will appear here, and it can summon its evolutions if you use the Adrenaline Orb item and have it call for help. These Pokémon are incredibly strong and will make for great additions to your party when taking on the Pokémon League.

#5 Dhelmise

In Poni Island’s Seafolk Village, you’ll find a boat that looks a lot like the massive Pokémon Steelix. Enter the boat through the creature’s mouth and make your way toward the open area at the back of the room inside. You’ll find a man standing out on the balcony holding a fishing rod. While it might seem inconspicuous at first, this is the only place you can fish in the village, and the only spot to capture an incredibly rare Pokémon.

Dhelmise, the grass-ghost type shaped like an anchor is one of Alola’s most mysterious species. To catch it, you’ll need to cast your rod into the water before you. It’s best to do so when the water is bubbling, as this gives Dhelmise a better chance of appearing. Keep entering and exiting the boat to make the water ripple. Bring lots of Poké Balls and patience, as it can take some serious time before Dhelmist will appear. 

#6 Type: Null

Your rival Gladion uses Type: Null in his battles against you each time you encounter him, but the Pokémon doesn’t appear anywhere in the wilds of Alola. An experiment used by the Aether Foundation, Type: Null is unique in its man-made nature, but not impossible to add to your Pokédex. Before you can claim one, you’ll need to defeat the Pokémon League.

After doing so, head back to the Aether Foundation. In the Restoration Area, you’ll find Gladion brooding alone. Approach him, and he’ll gift you with a Type: Null, as well as the type-changing drives for Silvally, its evolution. To get your Type: Null to evolve, you’ll need to raise its friendship levels in battle and feed it beans using Pokémon Refresh. 

#7 Cosmog

Though this adorable little ball of stars and clouds plays a central role in the game’s story, it is possible to claim your own after you’ve become Alola’s champion. The process requires a bit of traveling through the Alola region, as well as another dimension entirely. What you’ll need to do is bring your box legendary (Solgaleo in Sun, Lunala in Moon) to the altar where you first encountered it on Poni Island. After climbing the many stairs, you will find a portal that you can interact with. Doing so brings you to another world, where the time of day is reversed from the world you started in.

In this new world, which happens to perfectly mirror the Alola you remember, you’ll need to visit the other altar, located on Akala Island. Deep underground, your legendary Pokémon will emerge from its Poké Ball and interact with another being from this world. Then, a Cosmog will appear and join your team. This Pokémon is particularly weak, and evolves into Cosmeon at level 43, and then into another Solgaleo or Lunala at 53. This is the only way to register Cosmog and Cosmeom in your PokéDex, so completionists won’t want to skip this event.

Every Pokemon trainer is on the hunt for Pokemon sun and moon locations in which they can find them rare mons. Here we have a list of Pokemon Sun and Moon rare spawn locations, so players know where to look for their favourite Pokemon.

Happy hunting trainers!

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