Pokemon Go Bug Event Happening in Japan?!

Adventure Week just finished, but Pokemon Go players are already looking for clues about the next event. Earlier this week, a picture with Japanese text and images of Bug-Type Pokemon started to spread around the Internet that seemed to hint at an upcoming Bug-Type event taking place on June 3rd and June 4th. You can take a look at the image below:

However, the image isn't for a Pokemon Go event....at least not an official one. Japanese Pokemon Go players are apparently organizing a "Bug Day" for June 4th, with plans to fill local gyms with Bug-Type Pokemon in celebration.

So why June 4th? Well, it's all a play on words. The Japanese word for insect is pronounced as "mushi" and the numbers six and four can be read as "mu" and "shi." So June 4th (or 6/4) can literally be pronounced as insect in Japanese.

Players have been planning the unofficial Bug Day since April, and they've even gotten a hashtag going to spread the news.

While this isn't an official Pokemon Go event, this still seems like a pretty cool way to keep fans interested and invested in playing. Since gyms are typically filled with the same Pokemon, it'll be nice to see them full of bug-types....even if it's just for a few hours.

So are you planning on celebrating Bug Day in Pokemon Go? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!

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