Dataminers Find Clues About Overwatch's Next Big Event

So the Anniversary event for Overwatch has just started but, dataminers are already discovering new stuff in the game, unearthing some new pieces and notable filenames that could hint to the next Overwatch event (right after the Anniversary event).

Redditor /u/30847192 and /u/ethanciavo have discovered new art assets, hinting us of the possible upcoming event for Overwatch.

First, they have discovered this brassy ceremonial intro:

 And then, they have discovered a new gold loot box:

In addition, they have discovered new sound files which basically sounded like the new gold box sound effects:

Here's a comparison of the normal loot box sound:
Although these new leaked files don't give us a clue on what's the exact name of the upcoming event but, many believe that it could be the return of the Summer Games. In terms of the gold new gold loot box, it may be a new level of Overwatch cosmetics rarity, but could also be a reference to the gold medal of first-place finishers.

Alternatively, others have suggested that Overwatch may be taking on a Heroes of the Storm style approach to loot distribution, where certain classes of Loot Boxes are more guaranteed to hold certain rare items than the standard distribution.

Even if we don't have exact answers to what kind of event this is, we are still very excited and please because right after the Anniversary event, we have something new to look forwards on playing in Overwatch.

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