This Wrath of the Machine Exploit Will Let You Skip the Siege Engine Part Completely

This Wrath of the Machine Exploit Will Let You Skip the Siege Engine Part Completely
For those that prefer their raids con queso, The Wrath of The Machine raid has only been live in Destiny: Rise of Iron for a few days, but people have already been plumbing its depths for the secrets it holds. Secrets, of course, and bugs. 

The cheese is a time-honored Destiny tradition, going all the way back to the days when people were pushing the final boss in Vault of Glass off the edge of the map with grenades or pulling out their LAN cables to kill Crota. This new exploit for the Siege Engine in Wrath of The Machine is right up there with the best of them.

The Siege Engine is one of the best parts of the new raid: basically, it tasks the fireteam with traversing the top of the wall alongside a massive death Zamboni with more than a little hint of Mad Max in there. It’s inventive, interesting and a neat way to do a boss fight that’s not quite a boss fight. 

The idea is that the team rides the Siege Engine across the wall as it knocks down barriers, at one point repairing it with some engine parts that require the players to trade on and off carrying. But you can also just, you know, run through. That’s what YouTuber TheLoneWolf did, skipping through the entire boss encounter by glitching through a wall and just bypassing the entire encounter. Watch below:

I’ve tried to reproduce it, but it’s not easy, and the reports around the internet point towards a pretty difficult cheese. Luckily, it doesn’t really matter. Not only is the Siege Engine probably the best part of the raid, it won’t spawn one of the chests if you don’t actually kill it (it will spawn the other one, though). 

Wrath of The Machine is meant to get much easier as you level up, unlike King’s Fall which stayed pretty hard even if you were over-leveled. Expect this to show up in speed runs, though.

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