ARK: Survival Evolved All Creatures Location Guide

ARK: Survival Evolved All Creatures Location Guide
So I've noticed lots of people ask where certain creatures can be found or that they simply can't find any of them. I decided the best way to avoid the countless threads of these goose chases is to make one page dedicated to helping locate creatures (Will only include the best areas to find them). I will include every released and non-released creature to the list (Will be done in Alphabetical order with two separate sections, one for released and unreleased), this will work great as new creatures that are added can be updated as soon as it's location is discovered! Plus if someone is unsure if a creature is in the game yet or not, they can check here as well (If release date is anticipated, I'll mark it next to the creature and for the specific gaming console as well)! You may also speculate as to where a non-released creature will be found, but don't get too careless on that subject!

Will include diet and preferred foods/kibble!

REMEMBER!!! When a new creature is released, you'll have to free up spawns (Kill off some wild dinos on the island!) in order for them to start spawning!

NOTE: USE Ctrl + F to find the creature you are looking for.


ALLOSAURUS: Redwood Forests, Northeastern Shores, Red Peak, Grand Hills, Far's Peak, Weathertop, Southern Islets, Eastern Plains, Frozen Tooth, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, The Footpaw, Southern Jungle, Western Approach, Western Coast, Western Plains, The Maw, Writhing Swamps, Southeast Shores, Drayo's Cove, Gulch of Lamentation, Eastern Forest, Dead Island, Volcano, Cragg's Island, Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Winter's Mouth [Carnivore: Diplodocus Kibble] (KO)

ANGLER: North Sea, East Sea, South Sea, Southwest Sea, Strong Cave [Carnivore: Kairuku Kibble] (KO)

ANKYLOSAURUS: Whitesky Peak, Western Plains, Northern Plains, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Northeastern Shores, Eastern Plains, Southeast Shores, Southern Islets, Redwood Forests, Red Peak, Western Approach, Grand Hills, Eastern Forest, Drayo's Cove, South Haven, Far's Peak, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw [Herbivore: Dilophosaur Kibble] (KO)

ARANEO: All surface Caves [Carnivore: Spoiled Meat] (Passive, Bug Repellent)

ARGENTAVIS: Dead Island, Western Coast, Red Peak, Volcano, Grand Hills, Western Plains, Whitesky Peak, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Far's Peak, Redwood Forests, The Maw, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Northeastern Shores, Eastern Plains, Smuggler's Pass [Carnivore: Stegosaurus Kibble] (KO)

ARTHROPLEURA: All surface Caves [Carnivore: Broth of Enlightenment] (Passive, Bug Repellent)

BEELZEBUFO: Withering Swamps, Gulch of Lamentation [Carnivore: Pulmonoscorpius Kibble] (KO)

BRONTOSAURUS: Western Plains, Western Approach, Redwood Forests, Red Peak, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw, Eastern Forest, Eastern Plains, Gulch of Lamentation, South Haven, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Writhing Swamps, The Footpaw [Herbivore: Carbonemys Kibble] (KO)

CARBONEMYS: Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Northeastern Shores, Eastern Forest, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southern Jungle, Western Coast, Western Approach, Western Plains, Eastern Plains, Gulch of Lamentation, Hidden Lake [Herbivore: Pteranadon Kibble] (KO)

CARNOTAURUS: Dead Island, Redwood Forests, Western Coast, Whitesky Peak, Grand Hills, Northern Plains, Winter's Mouth, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw, Eastern Plains, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Southern Islets, Drayo's Cove, Southern Jungle, Western Approach, Grand Hills, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Red Peak, Western Plains, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Far's Peak [Carnivore: Ankylosaurus Kibble] (KO)

CASTOROIDES: Hidden Lake, The Maw, Southern Islets, Redwood Forests, The Footpaw, Eastern Forest, Whitesky Peak, Western Approach, Writhing Swamps [Herbivore: Gallimimus Kibble] (KO)
COELACANTH: Any source of water deep enough to contain them! [Untameable]

COMPSOGNATHUS: Northern Shores, Grand Hills, The Maw, Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Weathertop, Cragg's Island, Southern Jungle, Western Approach, Western Coast, The Footpaw, Far's Peak, Northeastern Shores, Hidden Lake, Writhing Swamps, Eastern Forest, Drayo's Cove, Eastern Plains, Northern Plains [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

DILOPHOSAUR: Northern Shores, Northern Plains, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Dead Island, Eastern Plains, The Maw, Eastern Forest, Writhing Swamps, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southeastern Shores, Southern Jungle, Western Coast, Volcano, Grand Hills, Red Peak, Drayo's Cove, Gulch of Lamentation, Far's Peak [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

DIMETRODON: Writhing Swamps, Gulch of Lamentation [Carnivore: Quetzalcoatlus Kibble] (KO)

DIMORPHODON: Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Eastern Plains, Southern Islets, Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Writhing Swamps, Eastern Forests, Gulch of Lamentation, Drayo's Cove, Southeastern Shores, Smuggler's Pass, Northeastern Shores, Northern Plains, Western Plains, Western Coast [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

DIPLODOCUS: Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Weathertop, Redwood Forests, Western Approach, Southern Islets, Drayo's Cove, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Cragg's Island, Red Peak, Volcano, Grand Hills [Herbivore: Lystrosaurus Kibble] (KO/Passive) 

DIREBEAR: Western Approach, Redwood Forests, Red Peak, Withering Swamps, Southern Islets, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Eastern Forest, Volcano, Whitesky Peak, Western Coast, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Eastern Plains, Drayo's Cove, Red Peak, The Maw, Far's Peak, Gulch of Lamentation, The Footpaw, Western Plains, Grand Hills, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Northeastern Shores, Southeastern Shores [Omnivore: Carno Kibble] (KO)

DIREWOLF: Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Winter's Mouth, Western Plains, Strong Cave [Carnivore: Carnotaurus Kibble] (KO)

DODO: Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw, Western Plains, Western Approach, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Weathertop, Cragg's Island, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, South Haven, Gulch of Lamentation, Eastern Forest, Eastern Plains, Northeastern Shores, Red Peak, Grand Hills, Drayo's Cove, Hidden Lake, Volcano, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Far's Peak [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

DOEDICURUS: Winter's Mouth, Smuggler's Pass, Frozen Tooth, Far's Peak, Eastern Plains, Grand Hills, Red Peak, Southern Jungle, Redwood Forests, Volcano, Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, The Maw, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Western Plains, Western Approach, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Hidden Lake, Northern Shores, Withering Swamps [Herbivore: Dilophosaur Kibble] (KO)

DUNG BEETLE: All surface Caves [Coprophagic: Large Animal Feces] (Passive)

DUNKLEOSTEUS: Northwestern Sea, Western Sea, Northern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Southern Sea [Carnivore: Titanoboa Kibble] (KO)

EURYPTERID: Northern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Southern Sea [Untameable]

GALLIMIMUS: Red Peak, Southern Islets, Drayo's Cove, The Maw, Northeastern Shores, Grand Hills, Western Plains, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Eastern Forest, Redwood Forests, Western Coast, Western Approach, Northern Plains, Hidden Lake [Herbivore: Dimetrodon Kibble] (KO)

GIGANOTOSAURUS: Far's Peak, Frozen Tooth, Whitesky Peak, Red Peak, Eastern Forest, Winter's Mouth, Hidden Lake, Western Plains, Western Approach, Western Coast, Weathertop, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Eastern Plains, The Maw, Smuggler's Pass, Northeastern Shores, Volcano, Northern Shores, Northern Plains, Grand Hills, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Redwood Forests, Writhing Swamps, Gulch of Lamentation, Dead Island [Carnivore: Quetzal Kibble] (KO)

GIGANTOPITHECUS: Redwood Forests, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southern Islets, Southern Jungles, Western Coast, Western Approach, Eastern Forest, Eastern Plains, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw [Omnivore: Titanoboa Kibble] (Passive)

ICHTHYOSAURUS: All around the Ocean [Carnivore: Dodo Kibble] (Passive)

KAIRUKU: Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, Northwestern Sea, Strong Cave [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

LEECH: Writhing Swamp, Gulch of Lamentation [Untameable] 

LYSTROSAURUS: Northeastern Shores, Northern Shores, Winter's Mouth, Western Approach, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Eastern Forest, Hidden Lake [Herbivore: Rare Flowers] (Passive)

MAMMOTH: Whitesky Peak, Winter's Mouth, Northern Plains, Grand Hills, Western Plains [Herbivore: Raptor Kibble] (KO)

MANTA: Northeastern Sea, Southern Sea, Northwestern Sea, Western Sea, Southeastern Sea, Southwestern Sea [Carnivore: Angler Gel] (Passive)

MEGALOCEROS: Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Winter's Mouth, Western Plains, Redwood Forests [Herbivore: Dimorphodon Kibble] (KO)

MEGALODON: Northern Sea, Northwestern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Western Sea, Eastern Sea, Southern Sea, Southwestern Sea, Southeastern Sea [Carnivore: Spinosaurus Kibble] (KO)

MEGANEURA: Writhing Swamps, Gulch of Lamentation, Southeastern Shores, Northern Shores, Dead Island, Northeastern Shores, Eastern Forest, Southern Islets, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southern Jungle, Whitesky Peak, The Maw, Eastern Plains, Redwood Forests, Western Approach, Western Coast, Immune Cave [Untameable]

MEGAPIRANHA: Writhing Swamps, Southern Islets, Western Coast, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Southeastern Shores, Gulch of Lamentation, Eastern Plains, Dead Island, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Redwood Forests, Eastern Forest, Drayo's Cove, Northern Plains, Northeastern Shores, Strong Cave, Pack Cave [Untameable]

MESOPITHECUS: Southern Islets, Eastern Forest, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Redwood Forests, Winter's Mouth, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Eastern Plains, Drayo's Cove, Southeastern Shores [Omnivore: Dodo Kibble] (Passive)

MOSASAURUS: Northern Deep Sea, Southeastern Deep Sea, Northwestern Deep Sea, Northeastern Deep Sea, Southern Deep Sea, Southwestern Deep Sea, Western Deep Sea, Eastern Deep Sea [Carnivore: Quetzalcoatlus Kibble] (KO)

ONYCHONYCTERIS: All surface Caves [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (Passive, Bug Repellent)

OVIRAPTOR: Withering Swamps, The Maw, Southern Islets, Redwood Forests Drayo's Cove, The Footpaw, Western Plains, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Southeastern Shores, Western Approach, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Winter's Mouth, Red Peak, Weathertop, Dead Island, Whitesky Peak [Carnivore: Giganotosaurus Egg] (KO)

PACHYCEPHALOSAURUS: Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Weathertop, Eastern Forest, Northern Plains, Redwood Forests, Cragg's Island, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Eastern Plains, Far's Peak, Northeastern Shores, Hidden Lake, Winter's Mouth, Western Coast, The Footpaw, Northern Shores, Drayo's Cove [Herbivore: Dilophosaur Kibble] (KO)

PARACERATHERIUM: Northern Plains, Grand Hills, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Weathertop, Redwood Forests, Red Peak, Writhing Swamps, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Gulch of Lamentation, Smuggler's Pass, Northern Shores, Western Coast, The Footpaw, Eastern Forest, The Maw, Eastern Plains, Cragg's Island [Herbivore: Pachycephalosaurus Kibble] (KO)

PARASAUR: Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Smuggler's Pass, Eastern Plains, Eastern Forest, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, South Haven, Redwood Forests, Western Coast, Western Approach, Western Plains, The Maw, Gulch of Lamentation, Northeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Grand Hills [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

PELAGORNIS: Whitesky Peak, Western Coast, Gulch of Lamentation, Northeastern Shores, Dead Island, Hidden Lake, Southern Sea, Southeastern Sea, Southwestern Sea, Western Sea, Northeastern Sea, Eastern Sea, Northwestern Sea [Piscivore: Compy Kibble] (KO)

PHIOMIA: Red Peak, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Writhing Swamps, Southern Islets, South Haven, Southeastern Shores, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Western Approach, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Eastern Plains, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Western Plains, Grand Hills, The Maw, Drayo's Cove [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

PLESIOSAUR: Northeastern Sea, Southwestern Sea, Northwestern Sea, Western Sea, Southwestern Sea, Southern Sea, Eastern Sea, Northern Sea [Carnivore: Rex Kibble] (KO)

PROCOPTODON: Volcano, Grand Hills, Whitesky Peak, Winter's Mouth, Far's Peak, Frozen Tooth, Red Peak, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Western Coast, Northern Shore, Eastern Plains, Northeastern Shores [Herbivore: Rare Mushrooms] (KO)

PTERANODON: Northern Plains, Western Approach, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, The Footpaw, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, South Haven, Eastern Forest, Northeastern Shores, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw, Grand Hills, Western Plains, Red Peak, Writhing Swamps, Weathertop, Cragg's Island, Gulch of Lamentation, Whitesky Peak [Carnivore: Dodo Kibble] (KO)

PULMONOSCORPIUS: Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Smuggler's Pass, The Maw, Grand Hills, Volcano, Western Coast, Red Peak, Far's Peak, Dead Island, Northeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Redwood Forests, Northern Shores, Northern Plains, Eastern Plains, Western Plains, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Weathertop, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Eastern Forest, Hidden Lake, The Footpaw [Carnivore: Spoiled Meat] (KO)

QUETZALCOATLUS: Grand Hills, Southern Jungle, Redwood Forests, Cragg's Island, Western Plains, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Far's Peak, Eastern Plains, Dead Island, Northern Shores, Northeastern Shores, Whitesky Peak, Hidden Lake, Smuggler's Pass, Western Approach, Western Coast, Weathertop, The Footpaw, Red Peak, Southern Islets, Volcano, The Maw, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation [Carnivore: Rex Kibble] (KO)

RAPTOR: Northern Plains, The Maw, Far's Peak, Eastern Plains, Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Western Approach, Southern Islets, Dead Island, Smuggler's Pass, Grand Hills, Whitesky Peak, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Weathertop, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Hidden Lake [Carnivore: Parasaur Kibble] (KO)

REX: Dead Island, Winter's Mouth, Northern Plains, Whitesky Peak, Smuggler's Pass, Frozen Tooth, The Maw, Grand Hills, Western Plains, Western Coast, Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Northeastern Shores, Volcano, Southern Jungle, Southern Islets, Eastern Plains, Northern Shores, Western Approach, The Footpaw, Eastern Forest, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove [Carnivore: Pulmonoscorpius Kibble] (KO)

SABERTOOTH: Dead Island, Winter's Mouth, Volcano, Red Peak, Western Coast, Northeastern Shores, Far's Peak, Whitesky Peak, Grand Hills, Frozen Tooth, The Maw, Northern Plains, Smuggler's Pass, Eastern Plains, Redwood Forests, Southern Jungle [Carnivore: Brontosaurus Kibble] (KO)

SABERTOOTH SALMON: Writhing Swamps, Redwood Forests, The Maw, Southern Islets, Smuggler's Pass, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Hidden Lake [Carnivore: Untameable]

SARCOSUCHUS: Writhing Swamps, The Maw, Gulch of Lamentation, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Southern Islets, The Footpaw, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Redwood Forests, Whitesky Peak [Carnivore: Trike Kibble] (KO)

SPINOSAURUS: The Maw, Writhing Swamps, Western Approach, Weathertop, Southeastern Shores, Grand Hills, The Footpaw, Smuggler's Pass, Eastern Forest, Southern Islets, Western Plains, Western Coast, Redwood Forests, Northern Shores [Carnivore: Argentavis Kibble] (KO)

STEGOSAURUS: Northern Shores, Northern Plains, Smuggler's Pass, Eastern Plains, Southeastern Shores, Southern Islets, South Haven, Weathertop, Southern Jungle, Grand Hills, The Maw, Redwood Forests, Western Approach, The Footpaw, Cragg's Island, Drayo's Cove, Gulch of Lamentation, Eastern Forest, Far's Peak, Winter's Mouth, Western Plains, Western Coast [Herbivore: Sarcosuchus Kibble] (KO)

TERROR BIRD: Winter's Mouth, Grand Hills, Volcano, Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Eastern Forest, Western Approach, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, Frozen Tooth, The Maw, Smuggler's Pass, Northeastern Shores, Far's Peak, Hidden Lake, Writhing Swamps, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, Western Coast, Western Plains, Whitesky Peak, Dead Island [Carnivore: Gallimimus Kibble] (KO)

TITANOBOA: Writhing Swamps, Gulch of Lamentation, Southeastern Shores, Most surface Caves [Carnivore: Untameable]

TITANOMYRMA: Redwood Forests, The Footpaw, Writhing Swamps, Eastern Plains, Drayo's Cove, Smuggler's Pass, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Southern Jungle, Western Plains, Northern Plains, Winter's Mouth, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Dead Island, Western Coast, Western Approach, Cragg's Island [Carnivore: Untameable]

TITANOSAURUS: Red Peak, Redwood Forests, Whitesky Peak, Winter's Mouth, Frozen Tooth, Grand Hills, Volcano, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Southern Islets, Eastern Forest, South Haven, Dead Island [Herbivore: ---***]

TRICERATOPS: Northern Plains, Grand Hills, Western Approach, Western Coast, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Smuggler's Pass, Northeastern Shores, Eastern Plains, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, South Haven, Northern Shores, Hidden Lake, Redwood Forests, Drayo's Cove [Herbivore: Carnotaurus Kibble] (KO)

TRILOBITE: Western Coast, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Drayo's Cove, South Haven, Northeastern Shores, Southern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Northern Sea, Eastern Plains, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Northwestern Sea [Carnivore: Untameable]

WOOLLY RHINO: Whitesky Peak, Winter's Mouth, Northern Plains, Western Plains [Herbivore: Terror Bird Kibble] (KO)

YETI: Strong Cave [Omnivore: Untameable]


ALPHA UTAHRAPTOR: Winter's Mouth, The Maw, Red Peak, Dead Island, Weathertop, Grand Hills, Whitesky Peak, Western Plains, Western Approach, Western Plains, Hidden Lake, Northeastern Shores, Far's Peak, Eastern Plains, Northern Plains, Northern Shores, Smuggler's Pass, Frozen Tooth, Volcano, Eastern Forest, Gulch of Lamentation, Writhing Swamps, Redwood Forests, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Southern Islets, Drayo's Cove [Untameable]

ALPHA CARNOTAURUS: Redwood Forests, Eastern Forest, Eastern Plains, Drayo's Cove, Western Coast, Western Plains, Northern Shores, Frozen Tooth, The Maw, Southern Islets, Red Peak, Southeastern Shores, Northeastern Shores, Far's Peak, Dead Island, Northern Plains, Winter's Mouth, Smuggler's Pass, Hidden Lake, Gulch of Lamentation, Writhing Swamps, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island [Untameable]

ALPHA TYRANNOSAURUS: Whitesky Peak, Northern Plains, Winter's Mouth, Western Coast, Eastern Forest, Dead Island, Red Peak, Grand Hills, Volcano, Frozen Tooth, Northern Shores, Smuggler's Pass, Northeastern Shores, Far's Peak, Eastern Plains, Western Plains, Western Approach, Southern Jungle, Cragg's Island, The Footpaw, Weathertop, Redwood Forests, Southern Islets, Southeastern Shores, Gulch of Lamentation, Drayo's Cove, The Maw [Untameable]

ALPHA MOSASAURUS: Southern Deep Sea, Southeastern Deep Sea, Northwestern Deep Sea, Northeastern Deep Sea [Untameable]


BROODMOTHER LYSRIX: Summon at an Obelisk*

MEGAPITHECUS: Summon at an Obelisk*

DRAGON: Summon at an Obelisk*

DODOREX: Event only Boss. Can be tamed for a short time before disappearing. (PC EXCLUSIVE)


ALLOSAURUS: The Center, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Lava Island, Jungles North, Eastern Islets, Half-Burnt Island, Northern Snowy Mountain, Swamp, Underground World, Jungles Mid, Skull Island, Penguin Pond, Snowy Grasslands, Southern Snowy Mountain, Redwood Forest [Carnivore: Diplodocus Kibble] (KO)

ANGLER: Southwestern Sea, Southern Sea [Carnivore: Kairuku Kibble] (KO)

ANKYLOSAURUS: Northern Snowy Mountains, Snowy Grasslands, Southern Snowy Mountains, The Center, Jungles South, Jungles Mid, Southern Tropical Island, Underground World, Jungles North [Herbivore: Dilophosaur Kibble] (KO)

ARANEO: Surface caves and Skull Island [Carnivore: Spoiled Meat] (Passive)

ARGENTAVIS: Northern Snowy Mountains, Snowy Grasslands, Southern Snowy Mountains, Jungles South, Jungles North, Lava Island, Half-Burnt Island, Jungles Mid, Northern Tropical Island [Carnivore: Stegosaurus Kibble] (KO)

ARTHROPLEURA: Surface caves [Carnivore: Broth of Enlightenment] (Passive)

BEELZEBUFO: Swamps [Carnivore: Pulmonoscorpius Kibble] (KO)

BRONTOSAURUS: Underground World, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Eastern Islets, Northern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Carbonemys Kibble] (KO)

CARBONEMYS: Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Underground World, Eastern Islets [Herbivore: Pteranodon Kibble] (KO)

CARNOTAURUS: Lava Island, Half-Burnt Island, The Center, Jungles South, Redwood Forest, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Underground World [Carnivore: Ankylosaurus Kibble] (KO)

CASTOROIDES: The Center, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Swamps, Redwood Forests [Herbivore: Gallimimus Kibble] (KO)

COELACANTH: Just about anywhere with water deep enough to contain them [Untameable]

COMPSOGNATHUS: Jungles South, Underground World, Eastern Islets, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Skull Island, Redwood Forest [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

DILOPHOSAURUS: Jungles South, Swamp, Underground World, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Eastern Islets, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Snowy Grasslands [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

DIMETRODON: Swamp, Lava Island [Carnivore: Quetzalcoatlus Kibble] (KO)

DIMORPHODON: Swamp, The Center, Underground World, Jungles North, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles South, Snowy Grasslands [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)
DIPLODOCUS: Redwood Forest, Southern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Lystrosaurus Kibble] (KO/Passive)

DIREBEAR: Redwood Forest, Jungles South, Jungles Mid, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island [Omnivore: Carnotaurus Kibble] (KO)

DIREWOLF: Snowy Grasslands, Southern Snowy Mountain, Northern Snowy Mountain, Swamp, Lava Island [Carnivore: Carnotaurus Kibble] (KO)

DODO: Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

DOEDICURUS: The Center, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles North [Herbivore: Dilophosaurus Kibble] (KO)

DUNG BEETLE: Surface caves and Skull Island [Coprophagic: Large Animal Feces] (Passive)

DUNKLEOSTEUS: Southeastern Sea, Eastern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Northern Sea [Carnivore: Titanoboa Kibble] (KO)

EURYPTERID: Southern Tropical Island, Skull Island [Untameable]

GALLIMIMUS: Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Underground World [Herbivore: Dimetrodon Kibble] (KO)

GIGANOTOSAURUS: Jungles South, Jungles Mid, Jungles North, Lava Island, Half-Burnt Island, Lava Island, The Center, Northern Snowy Mountain, Snowy Grassland, Southern Snowy Mountain, Eastern Islets, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Swamp [Carnivore: Quetzalcoatlus Kibble] (KO)

GIGANTOPITHECUS: Snowy Grasslands, Jungles North, Jungles South, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Titanoboa Kibble] (Passive)

ICHTHYOSAURUS: Southern Sea, Southeastern Sea, Eastern Sea [Carnivore: Dodo Kibble] (Passive)

KAIRUKU: Penguin Pond, Northern Snowy Mountains, Snowy Grassland, Southern Snowy Mountain [Carnivore: Prime Meat] (KO)

LEECH: Swamp [Untameable]

LYSTROSAURUS: Eastern Islets, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South [Herbivore: Rare Flower] (Passive)

MAMMOTH: Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, Snowy Grassland [Herbivore: Raptor Kibble] (KO)

MANTA: Underground World, Southern Sea, Center Lake, Northern Strait, Eastern Sea [Carnivore: Angler Gel] (Passive)

MEGALOCEROS: Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, Redwood Forest, Snowy Grassland [Herbivore: Dimorphodon Kibble] (KO)

MEGALODON: Northern Strait, Southeastern Sea, Eastern Sea [Carnivore: Spinosaurus Kibble] (KO)

MEGANEURA: Jungles South, Northern Tropical Island [Untameable]

MEGAPIRANHA: Southern Sea [Untameable]

MESOPITHECUS: Jungles Mid, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles South [Omnivore: Dodo Kibble] (Passive)

MOSASAURUS: Eastern Sea, Penguin Pond [Carnivore: Quetzalcoatlus Kibble] (KO)

ONYCHONYCTERIS: Surface caves and Skull Island [Omnivore: Prime Meat] (Passive)

OVIRAPTOR: Jungles Mid, Jungles North, Jungles South, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Eastern Islets [Carnivore: Giganotosaurus Egg] (KO)

PACHYCEPHALOSAURUS: Jungles North, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles Mid, Jungles South [Herbivore: Dilophosaurus Kibble] (KO)

PARACERATHERIUM: Swamp, Redwood Forest, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles South, Snowy Grassland, Underground World, Jungles Mid [Herbivore: Pachycephalosaurus Kibble] (KO)

PARASAUROLOPHUS: Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles Mid, Jungles North [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

PELAGORNIS: Southern Sea, Eastern Sea, Northeastern Sea, Southwestern Sea [Piscivore: Compsognathus Kibble] (KO)

PHIOMIA: Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Mejoberry] (KO)

PLESIOSAURUS: Southwestern Sea, Eastern Sea, Penguin Pond [Carnivore: Rex Kibble] (KO)

PROCOPTODON: The Center, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South [Herbivore: Rare Mushroom] (KO)

PTERANODON: Redwood Forest, Jungles South, Jungles North, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Swamp [Carnivore: Dodo Kibble] (KO)

PULMONOSCORPIUS: Jungles South, Skull Island, Half-Burnt Island, Lava Island, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island, Jungles Mid [Carnivore: Spoiled Meat] (KO)

QUETZALCOATLUS: Lava Island, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles South, Jungles Mid, Jungles North, Half-Burnt Island, Swamp, The Center, Southern Snowy Mountain, Northern Snowy Mountain, Snowy Grassland, Eastern Islets, Northern Tropical Island [Carnivore: Rex Kibble] (KO)

SABERTOOTH: Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, Half-Burnt Island, Lava Island, Snowy Grassland, The Center, Swamp, Jungles South [Carnivore: Brontosaurus Kibble] (KO)

SABERTOOTH SALMON: Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Eastern Islets [Untameable]

SARCOSUCHUS: Swamp, Jungles South [Carnivore: Triceratops Kibble] (KO)

SPINOSAURUS: Penguin Pond, Lava Island, Jungles South, Jungles Mid, Jungles North [Carnivore: Argentavis Kibble] (KO)

STEGOSAURUS: The Center, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, Northern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Sarcosuchus Kibble] (KO)

TERROR BIRD: Redwood Forest, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Southern Tropical Island, The Center [Carnivore: Gallimimus Kibble] (KO)

TITANOBOA: Swamp, Skull Island, Surface caves [Untameable]

TITANOMYRMA: Northern Tropical Island [Untameable]

TITANOSAURUS: Redwood Forest, Snowy Grassland, Lava Island [Herbivore: ---***] (KO)

TRICERATOPS: Jungles North, Jungles South, Northern Tropical Island, Southern Tropical Island, Skull Island [Herbivore: Carnotaurus Kibble] (KO)

TRILOBITE: Northern Tropical Island, Eastern Islets, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles South, Southern Sea [Untameable]

TYRANNOSAURUS: Lava Island, Half-Burnt Island, Swamp, Snowy Grassland, Jungles North, Jungles Mid, Jungles South, Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, The Center, Southern Tropical Island, Underground World [Carnivore: Pulmonoscorpius Kibble] (KO)

UTAHRAPTOR: Lava Island, Jungles South, Half-Burnt Island, Northern Tropical Island [Carnivore: Parasaurolophus Kibble] (KO)

WOOLLY RHINO: Snowy Grassland, Southern Tropical Island [Herbivore: Terror Bird Kibble] (KO)

YETI: Strong Cave [Untameable]


ALPHA RAPTOR: Lava Island, Half-Burnt Island, Southern Tropical Island, Jungles Mid, Underground World, The Center, Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, Jungles South, Jungles North, Northern Tropical Island [Untameable]

ALPHA CARNOTAURUS: Half-Burnt Island, Jungles Mid, Redwood Forest [Untameable]

ALPHA TYRANNOSAURUS: Half-Burnt Island, Lava Island, Jungles North, Jungles South, Underground World, Northern Snowy Mountain, Southern Snowy Mountain, The Center, Southern Tropical Island [Untameable]

ALPHA MOSASAURUS: In the Deep Sea(Exact locations unknown) [Untameable]





MANTICORE: Summoned at an Obelisk**


ACHATINA: --- [Herbivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated)

AMMONITE: Deep Sea [Untameable] (Modeled/Animated)

ARCHAEOPTERYX: --- [Carnivore: Insect Matter(?)] (Modeled/Animated/Partially Textured) PC ETA: September 9th

BARYONYX: --- [Carnivore: Prime Fish(?)]

BASILOSAURUS: Coastal Areas(?) [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated)

CHALICOTHERIUM: --- [Herbivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated)

CNIDARIA: All around the ocean(?) [Untameable] (Modeled/Animated)

DIPLOCAULUS: Writhing Swamp(?) [Carnivore: ---]

ELECTROPHORUS: All around the ocean(?) [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Textured/Animated)

HESPERORNIS: --- [Carnivore: ---]

HYAENODON: --- [Carnivore: ---]

ICHTHYORNIS: Shores/Coasts(?) [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Textured/Animated)

IGUANADON: South Haven(?) [Herbivore: ---]

KAPROSUCHUS: Writhing Swamp/Shores/Coasts(?) [Carnivore: ---]

KENTROSAURUS: --- [Herbivore: ---]

LEEDSICHTHYS: Deep Sea(?) [Untameable]

LIOPLEURODON: All around the ocean in reefs(?) [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated)

MEGALANIA: Surface Caves [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated)

MEGALOSAURUS: Jungle at Night(?) [Carnivore: ---]

MEGATHERIUM: Writhing Swamp(?) [Omnivore: ---]

MICRORAPTOR: --- [Carnivore: ---]

MOSCHOPS: Redwoods [Omnivore: ---]

PACHYRHINOSAURUS: --- [Herbivore: ---]

PEGOMASTAX: --- [Herbivore: ---]

PURLOVIA: --- [Carnivore: ---]

TAPEJARA: Redwoods(?) [Carnivore: ---] (Modeled/Animated) PC ETA: September 9th

THERIZINOSAURUS: --- [Herbivore: ---] (Modeled/Textured/Animated)

THYLACOLEO: --- [Carnivore: ---]

TROODON: --- [Carnivore: Big Unconscious Dinos(?)] (Modeled/Animated)

TUSOTEUTHIS: Deep Sea [Carnivore: ---]


BIONIC REX (X): Unlock all dossiers, and you'll be rewarded with this skin. (For the Rex)

BIONIC GIGA (PC): Win 200 matches of Survival of the Fittest, and you'll be rewarded with this skin. (For the Giga)

BUNNY (PC): Only available during the Eggcellent Adventure Event. (For the Procoptodon)

CARNO BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event. (For the Carno)

REX BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event. (For the Rex)

BRONTO BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event (For the Bronto)

RAPTOR BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event (For the Raptor)

STEGO BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event (For the Stego)

TRIKE BONE COSTUME (PC): Only available during the Halloween Event (For the Trike)

REINDEER (PC): Only available during the Raptor Claus (For the Megaloceros)


*Must be summoned via 4 Argentavis Claws, 4 Rex Arms, 8 Megalodon Teeth, 2 Sauropod Spines, and all Artifacts(Devourer, Pack, Massive, Strong, Immune, Hunter, Clever, Skylord)

**Must be summoned via 15 Fire Talons, 15 Poison Talons, 15 Lightning Talons, and all Artifacts(Gatekeeper, Destroyer, Crag)

***Titanosaurs don't take any food once knocked out, in order to tame one, you must put it's Platform Saddle on while it's unconscious.


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