How to Turn Off Siri Completely on Your iPhone and iPad Device

How to Turn Off Siri in iOS

Disabling Siri is the same for all devices and versions of iOS:

1. Open the Settings app in iOS and go to “General”

2. Tap on “Siri” and near the top of the screen, toggle the switch next to “Siri” to the OFF position

3. Confirm that you wish to disable Siri completely by tapping on “Turn Off Siri”

4. Exit out of Settings as usual

Note that by disabling Siri you’ll get a message which says some Dictation data will continue to exist on Apple Servers unless you turn Dictation off as well – this is because the iPhone processes much of the voice recognition on remote Apple servers for enhanced recognition and understanding of your voice. Whether you want to go all out and disable Dictation as well as Siri is up to you, but Dictation is the feature which lets you speak to your iPhone and convert the speech to text, which is also very useful.

Since disabling Siri completely is quite dramatic, consider the few alternate options which may be more appropriate; if you’re concerned about accidental usage or unintentional usage, consider preventing Siri access from the lock screen as another solution, and if you find that Siri is talking out of the blue, consider just toggling the “Hey Siri” voice activation control feature off instead. These options allow Siri to continue to be summoned when desired and when intentional, but without completely turning off the handy voice assistant.

As usual with iOS Settings, you can always reverse things and go and re-enable Siri again by going back to the Siri options and toggling the switch back ON again.


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