Where & How to Farm Resources Super Fast in Warframe (Guide)

General Tips

The best way to farm is to couple your material farming with something else. That may be experience farming, trying to get weapon/warframe parts, or even trying to get multiple different materials you need. For example, if you need salvage, your best bet is to combine your salvage farm with whatever other uncommon/rare materials you need, e.g. Mars if you need salvage and morphics/gallium, Jupiter if you need neural sensors and salvage/alloy plate, or Kappa if you want XP and also want to farm salvage/alloy plate/rubedo. If you need morphics or control modules and you want to get nova parts, you should definitely start with farming Raptor for her parts, possibly (hopefully) getting those rare materials in the process. 

In general, farming bosses is a very mediocre way to farm resources. If you're playing solo, it's probably much easier to rush to the boss than to try a defense alone. If you're with other players, however, it's much better to play defense/mobile defense/survival missions. Bosses can be a quick way to get that one resource you really need so you can start building that Ash helmet before you go to bed. It's much, much better to try for J3 golem than to sit in a defense for at LEAST 5 waves hoping a neural sensor drops. If you have the time, however, and you know you need more than 1, those types of missions will net you a lot more resources for the time you spend on them.

The areas listed first are generally easier, but may not always be the best. Sometimes it's easier to kill infested enemies even if they are 15 levels higher than grineer enemies. It all depends on personal preference. There really is no true "BEST" place to farm any particular resource, it's all about trying to increase your probability of getting the materials you need while decreasing effort and time. That is the purpose of this guide.


Survival: Apollodorus

Defense: Lith, Gaia
Mobile Defense: Eurasia (infested), Lua

Defense: Proteus (infested), Thalassa, Despina
Mobile Defense: Larissa
Survival: Triton

Apollodorus is hands down the best place to farm ferrite. It's incredibly easy to get 5k ferrite in just a few easy minutes on Apollodorus. You can essentially run in circles and let your carrier blow everything up and suck up all the loot for you (obviously keep an eye on the life support). Not to mention, it doesn't get remotely challenging until after 15 minutes. The downside being all of the grineer heavies can shred your poor sentinel pretty easy if you don't dodge rockets and fireballs well. Earth actually has ferrite as its only common drop, so it's good... but takes a bit more effort. Just stick with Apollodorus. Also, Earth doesn't have any survivals, and defense missions in general give less loot than survivals of equal level. Mobile defense on Earth is your second best bet, most likely Eurasia since infested are so easy to deal with.

Nano Spores

Survival: Mimas (infested), Cassini

Defense: Xini, Gnathos, Ixodes
Mobile Defense: Cyath
Survival: Phalan, Nimus

Defense: Proteus (infested), Thalassa, Despina

Mobile Defense: Larissa
Survival: Triton

Saturn is the lowest level (mid 20s and up) however the enemies are grineer, so that may not be ideal. Cassini is the most efficient mission menioned, giving you ~4000 nano spores and ~500 plastids in just 15 minutes of (grineer) survival. Eris is the most popular, with Cyath being a very nice and easy mission for XP, and Xini being a favorite farm spot for keys and even a few mods. The other 3 defense missions for the hipsters out there are also included. Survivals are easier in general to farm since you can leave when you want, but they ramp up in difficulty quickly and there's no rest. Neptune shares nano spores as a common drop with ferrite, so it's not ideal, but it is a decent location if you're in the area and need nano spores (somehow). Helene is a pretty bad place for nano spores, 15 waves nets you only 1500 - 2000 spores.

The Orokin Derelict is also suitable for nano spore farming, but considering you need nano spores to make the keys themselves, it's less than ideal. If you can hitch a ride to the derelict with someone else, though, you can certainly get plenty of nano spores there.

Polymer Bundle 

Survival: Apollodorus

Defense: Kiliken, Venera
Excavation: E Gate

Defense: Bianca, Miranda, Stephano, 
Survival: Cressida (infested), Cupid, Ophelia

Apollodorus is by far the easiest because it is very low level, very easy, and because it is a survival mission, you can leave whenever you want. Venus' missions are less ideal since Venus drops 3 common items (alloy plate, polymers, and circuits), so you're less likely to get significant polymers here. Uranus is less than ideal, but if you need polymers and you're on Uranus, those missions are the best.


Defense: Olympus
Mobile Defense: Hellas
Survival: Ara, Arcadia

Defense: Io, Callisto
Survival: Elara

Defense: Hydron, Camenae
Mobile Defense: Kappa, Graeae, Vodyanoi
Survival: Berehynia, Yemaja

Mars missions are definitely the best for Salvage because it is the only common drop there, whereas Jupiter and Sedna can drop alloy plate and their respective rares, both of which are more common than the morphics and gallium drops on Mars. Mostly you get it on Olympus but there's no reason you couldn't do Hellas or one of the survivals instead. Io and Callisto are probably the easiest, as they are low level and infested, so you can easily solo to wave 10. Doing so you can get 3k salvage. Olympus to wave 10 usually nets between 4k and 6k. Kappa is also quite nice for salvage; an average run can give between 3k and 4k salvage and tons of XP. You're basically guaranteed to find a full party, too.

Alloy Plate

Defense: Kiliken, Venera
Excavation: E Gate

Defense: Hydron, Camenae
Mobile Defense: Kappa, Graeae, Vodyanoi
Survival: Yemaja (infested), Berehynia

Defense: Drunlo, Kepler
Mobile Defense: Hall, Sharpless
Survival: Skyresh, Wendell

Venus is the easiest, however it drops 3 common materials, so it's less efficient. Sedna drops 2 uncommon materials, whereas Phobos only drops 1 (though sometimes on phobos it seems like rubedo is common). Phobos is the best for alloy plate, but any one of the missions listed above will do just fine. Alloy plate does drop on Jupiter but from 10 waves on Callisto I only got 386 alloy, not even 1/10th what you can get doing E Gate. Kappa actually gives a high ammount of alloy plate, giving anywhere between 700 and 1300 per run, in addition to all that delicious experience.

The Orokin Void is also very nice for alloy plate, you can easily get 1500+ from any tier mission, even more from defense and survival missions.


Defense: Kiliken, Venera
Excavation: E Gate

Defense: Varro, Casta
Mobile Defense: Kiste
Survival: Nuovo

Venus seems to be the best place to farm Circuits. Ceres is much too high level to be worth it, plus it's easier to defend vs. low level corpus than high level grineer (obviously) but if you plan on maximizing efficiency, you will need to do the defenses, meaning you may want a frost for protection. Aim for as many rounds as possible, so bring along 3 competent allies.


Survival: Mimas, Cassini

Defense: Xini, Gnathos, Ixodes
Mobile Defense: Cyath
Survival: Phalan, Nimus

Defense: Bianca, Miranda, Stephano, 
Survival: Cressida (infested), Cupid, Ophelia

Although plastids do drop from Pluto and Phobos, Phobos is much more likely to drop rubedo and alloy plate, and pluto is too high level to ever be worth it to farm materials. Eris and Saturn are essentially the same, having 1 common (nano spores), 1 uncommon (plastids), and 1 rare (neurodes and neural sensors, respectively). Saturn is easier, though, and is more efficient. 15 minutes on Cassini nets ~500 plastids. Uranus is similar but it's higher level than both so your best bet is Cassini or Cyath for plastids. Xini works too, of course.


Defense: Lith, Gaia
Mobile Defense: Eurasia (infested), Lua

Defense: Drunlo, Kepler
Mobile Defense: Hall, Sharpless
Survival: Skyresh, Wendell

Defense: Hydron, Camenae

Mobile Defense: Kappa, Graeae, Vodyanoi
Survival: Yemaja (infested), Berehynia

Defense: Valefor (infested), Eligor, Paimon
Survival: Ose

As stated above, Phobos (specifically Drunlo) tends to drop Rubedo like XIni drops nano spores. It's by far the best place i've found. Sedna is not as good of an option due to dropping 2 more common materials. Europa is decent as well since it only drops rubedo as the common/uncommon, and the rest are morphics and control modules, however fieldron samples will drop just as commonly, so Phobos is probably the best. Phobos is also lower level (barely), so it's a little bit more efficient. Kappa is decent for rubedo, with the average run giving between 300 and 500 rubedo.

Mutagen Sample

Orokin Derelict

Defense: Best option. it's very easy, simple area to defend, and you can go to wave 40 without much effort.

Survival: Second best option. If you don't like defense missions and still want to grind, this is your best bet. Also survivals can be finished at any time after 5 minutes.

Control Module 

Orokin Void
Any mission in the Void is a great way to get control modules. It's a common occurence to get 6-8 control modules for even tier 1 missions. The tier of the void mission also doesn't matter, so you can farm tier 1 defenses to your heart's content. 

Defense: Valefor (infested), Eligor, Paimon
Survival: Ose

Defense: Proteus (infested), Thalassa, Despina
Mobile Defense: Larissa
Survival: Triton

The void is definitely the best option. If you SOMEHOW have the worst luck in the universe, Thalassa and Eligor have always been nice to me in dropping control modules. DO NOT farm Raptor or Hyena for CMs, it's a colossal waste of time.

It appears Europa isn't dropping CMs lately, not sure if it's a bug or some horrible luck... Regardless, Voids are the best place for CMs.


Defense: Olympus
Mobile Defense: Hellas
Survival: Ara (infested), Arcadia

Defense: Bianca, Miranda, Stephano, 
Survival: Cressida (infested), Cupid, Ophelia

Your best bet is definitely Olympus, Mars. I've had multiple runs of Olympus to wave 10 netting me 4-7 gallium per run (in addition to tons of salvage, and 5-8 morphics).


Defense: Olympus
Mobile Defense: Hellas
Survival: Ara (infested), Arcadia

Yes, morphics drop from Mercury, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto, but Mars is by far the best place to get morphics. Killing Vor is a horribly inefficient, slow, unreliable way to get morphics. As stated above, you can easily get 5-8 morphics from wave 10 on Olympus, and you don't need a frost if you are high enough level.

Neural Sensor

Defense: Io, Callisto
Survival: Elara
Assassination: Themisto (not sure)

Now that J3 has been kicked out of Jupiter, there's no easy guaranteed way to get neurals. If you have an easy time beating Alad V, then by all means, continue farming Themisto. Otherwise, farm Io and Callisto and just hope you get lucky. 


Defense: Xini, Gnathos, xodes
Mobile Defense: Cyath
Survival: Phalan, Nimus

Defense: Lith, Lua

Orokin Derelict
Defenses appear to be a pretty efficient way to farm neurodes, however the level scaling has been changed, so the enemies are actually harder than they are on Eris. The pod is still fairly easy to defend, but you definitely need Vauban or 4 really good players, otherwise you will get swarmed quite easily (in comparison to Xini or Cyath where there are fewer paths to the objective).

I've had the most luck with Xini and Cyath, which is probably better for neurodes than Xini, but it's kind of a toss-up. 

It's worth pointing out that Earth's defenses (Lith/Lua) are pretty hard since they don't spawn a lot of units and the power core is really hard to defend. Cyath/Xini or a derelict defense is highly recommended.

When doing Lith and Lua again [10/28], you will get 1 neurode each time you do Lua (solo, then twice with 1 other person), and solo Lith to wave 15 and will give you 3 neurodes. With a full party (assuming you can defend that long), you could probably get even more. Tried Lua again, got 0 neurodes. Seems like Eris/Derelict are the 2 best places to get them.

It appears Neurodes have had their drop rate lowered... significantly (as of 10/31). They are more rare from derelicts, more rare on Earth, and seemingly harder to get on Eris as well... Eris is still your best bet, but if you don't have access you may need to farm one of the defenses or the survival on Earth.

Orokin Cell

Survival: Cassini
Assassination: Tethys 

Defense: Varro, Casta
Mobile Defense: Kiste
Survival: Nuovo

Saturn is lower level than Ceres, so it's certainly easier to farm. If you don't have access to Ceres, your best bet is to farm Cassini. If you just need 1 cell really quickly, killing Ruk on Tethys is a good option, but chances are you won't just need 1 cell... they are used for just about everything (usually 10 per prime weapon, 1 [or more] per warframe, 1 per blue/gold potato, and at least 1 for combining pistols like viper, vasto, furis, etc). If you do have access to Ceres (and want to farm XP as well), Kiste is a great place for XP (same layout as Kappa, pretty much, just higher level enemies) however the drop rate of cells appears to be nerfed... again. Looks like Cassini is by far the best place to get cells. It is important to note however, that farming Cassini is MUCH more efficient with a full party of 4 (or at least 3). If you want to solo, or can't find a party, it's may be better to farm Ruk, depending on how decked out you are. Mimas is a pretty bad option for cells. 

Orokin derelicts also drop cells, but at a much lower rate since the cells compete with neurodes. I've actually gotten lots of cells from Lephantis, but that takes forever so it's hardly the choice.


Oxium thankfully just had its drop rate improved by quite a bit, it's much more common now than it was before. Ospreys are dropping 3-4 times as much oxium as they were before, so this should make everyone's farming a lot easier.

The best places I've found for Oxium WERE E Gate on Venus, Ara on Mars, and both Elara and Carme on Jupiter. Baal on Europa is also quite good for oxium. I was averaging just under 40 per run with many reports of 50+, 1 report of 69, and one report of 74 in one run (All of these numbers are pre-buffed Oxium drop rate, so expect higher numbers yourself). Reports of people doing Viver on Eris (infested hive mission) and especially Cerberus on Pluto (interception mission) where one guy got 187 oxium from the first round with over 400 from 4 rounds.

They can also be found from Kubrow, though I don't think there's a particularly good way to "farm" them.

Argon Crystals

Argon Crystals are aptly classified as rare resources, and are the first resource that decays. You will lose 1 crystal every day at midnight GMT (meaning, for example, if you acquire one at 3:00 PM GMT on Sunday, you will lose it at midnight of the next day (Tuesday), 33 hours from then[24 hours + 9 hours until midnight, in this example]), so it's best to go on a farming rampage and get exactly as many as you need and use them ASAP. 

They drop from the void (including a chance to drop from corrupted Vor), from the Stalker, and from assassination missions with Vay Hek. Since it's pretty inefficient to farm vay hek, don't bother going for that, also you can't farm the stalker. Just stick to void missions, combining whatever warframe parts / mods / whatever you need with master thief mod and get to unlocking all those boxes! Unfortunately there's not much else to be said, similar to Oxium, you just have to grind it out while trying to get other stuff. My guess is the longer the mssion the better the chance of getting Argon Crystals. Captures are generally fairly long but unless you're properly geared it's easy to get overrun since there is an infinite supply of enemies to impede your progress. Mobile Defense might be the best, or possibly exterminates (always look for those secret rooms for epic mods and more boxes to open!) Phorid also drops Argon Crystals, so if you're able to kill it quickly, this might be a good method of farming for you.


Tellurium is a rare resource, for good reason, you can only get it in Archwing missions. There's no super easy way to do get this resource, sadly, just need to grind. Likely the most efficient way to farm this resource is by combining it with other stuff you need. E.g. if you need the Archwing components, do the missions that give those components. If you need Orokin Cells, do the Achwing mission on Saturn. 

These are the Archwing missions so far:

It's probably not a good idea to do the interception missions, simply because of time. Though they may spawn more enemies than an exterminate.. (Need further testing)

Credits: Guide by Mictlantecuitli

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